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Old 12-11-2006, 12:53 AM
Curious Too Curious Too is offline
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Originally Posted by smacklan View Post
There are plenty of licensed users on this site that actively "steal" from here and post on warez sites. I have personally made staff aware of the ones I know about on more than one occasion, and while the response from the staff is usually polite, there is no action taken. What makes any of you think they are going to take action on one member who has allegedly stolen from another member in a transaction that took place away from this site? How do you think sites like Sitepoint, WHT and others handles deals that go south from their sites? They handle it just like the org does here. There is such a thing as buyer beware and I doubt seriously trying to hold the org legally liable would hold up in any court. I agree that they should install iTrader or some rating system here to help protect their reputation. I also think they could ban users from here which doesn't seem to happen very often if at all. I think the smartest thing the org could do is do away with the service request forum altogether.
Actually Webhosting Talk (WHT) has banned numerous people once it's proven that they are scammers.
Old 12-11-2006, 01:10 AM
pcoskat pcoskat is offline
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Originally Posted by Curious Too View Post
Actually Webhosting Talk (WHT) has banned numerous people once it's proven that they are scammers.
I, too, wish that scammers were banned from here. While I've had all good experiences until recently, but my dealings with the guy from vb-hacks (and the 'vB League' hack has soured me somewhat. I've been scammed out of nearly $60. While it won't put me in the poorhouse, it's $60 I could have given to an honest coder.

IMO, once it's been established that someone is a scammer, they shouldn't be allowed to continue posting here (and certainly not using vB.org to continue making money.)
Old 12-11-2006, 02:20 AM
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Originally Posted by MPDev View Post
"Buyer beware" is not a legal term nor does not provide immunity to anyone involved in a transaction.
I wasn't implying that. What I was saying is people need to use the skills they have to determine if something or someone is legit. Do you walk up to strangers and offer them money to work on your house without checking them out? I don't pay for anything upfront unless I have done business with them in the past or they come highly recommended from those I trust.

Originally Posted by MPDev
Like it or not, as part of the transaction between those offering service and those soliciting services, this site does has obligations if it wants to avoid potential liability. Companies like eBay routinely remove fraudulent sellers and buyers from their site - for good reason.
I agree there are obligations, however I am not an attorney and don't know what Jelsoft's legal liability is. I'm sure they employ a fine team of attorneys who have advised them long ago they are not liable or this would not still be occuring...just my guess though.

Originally Posted by MPDev
As forum owners I would think you would be a little better versed in your potential liability for the services you provide.
I personally am very well versed in what my legal obligations are, but I don't freelance my services here so I couldn't say about this circumstance.

I will say I think from a strictly "good business" perspective, the org would be well advised to have a policy in place that at leasts prevents users from returning who have abused the goodwill here.

Originally Posted by phill2003 View Post
There is stealing code which to be honest has no intrinsic value and then there is stealing money. Stealing money is a criminal offence i would hazzard a guess that the same could not be said about stealing a hack.
Perhaps, but it's not just code I am refering to and those with the intellectual rights to the code or designs would probably argue there is intrinsic value...I know I would
Old 12-11-2006, 07:08 AM
lasto lasto is offline
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You know was thinking about this last night and have come to the conclusion that if vb.org was to close the hire a coder section then maybe people would be left up creek without a paddle.
Ive used extremetim meself in the past and he always came though and delivered the stuff i needed.But obvioulsy this time or a few others he aint so if that is the case then i reckon vb.org should deffo install itrader or something like it so we can leave feedback if a coder does a good job or backs out (bit like ebay markings) - also the same itrader could be used for normal members who mess coders about as it works both ways end of the day.
How many coders do u think have spent hrs on work just for someone to say they dont need it now etc.

Tricky solution,even trickier to find a solution.

Now all we need is the staff at vb.org to tell us what their stance on the whole situation is - does it go left unpunished (which in this case it clearly has) or will they stand up and show they will fight for the little guy
Old 12-11-2006, 07:09 AM
acerulezz acerulezz is offline
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oh sorry i have been out on a trip and couldn't post before.
Rich, i have been trying to do something about this. Unfortunately i am not in US and there is precious little i can do. I tried to track this guy down via a friend in US. he is still working on that. Paypal seems to be to overwhelmed by the christmas traffic to respond to my claims it seems. I was trying to get my point across to them. Still pursuing that front. Meanwhile Andem tried contacting him via phone. Turned out it was wrong number.

The guy meanwhile is there on msn. eg his present status says "i am hard at work trying to get back on track after a power outtage" makes me believe there are a lot of souls the guy is tricking even now. Ofcourse he chooses not to respond to me.
he ofcourse is active on his site
but chooses not to come here

he is quite obviously working there.

Well i have pretty much given up the idea of seeing my money again, but i have decided i won't be letting the thread down. Let others know what kind of a guy he is. I am sure he is waiting for things to quieten down and come back. he remains a "master coder" (sorry for repeated references to this, its a bit laughable, that title, for a person who continues to trick two people right here on this board).

EDIT: oh btw lasto, i don't know how itrader will help too. Its quite possible that people build some reputation to take off with a major haul(please its not meant in general, i am commenting based on the experience i have had and sadly i have had a bad one. I am sure a lot of people will be good and honest here.). at least thats what he seems to have done.
Old 12-11-2006, 07:16 AM
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itader aitn based on reputation m8 all it is is basically how many good comments they got and how many bad.

SO say like u for instance u could give him feedback saying - dont hire this guy he ripped me off etc,so others who are thinking of hiring him would see the same remarks and would think twice about it.
At moment its gotta be better than what is in place now.Also best of luck m8 gettign your money back.
Also on a final note i will stress is some good people on this board and not everyone will rip you off.
Old 12-11-2006, 07:40 AM
micheal332001 micheal332001 is offline
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Originally Posted by pcoskat View Post
I, too, wish that scammers were banned from here. While I've had all good experiences until recently, but my dealings with the guy from vb-hacks (and the 'vB League' hack has soured me somewhat. I've been scammed out of nearly $60. While it won't put me in the poorhouse, it's $60 I could have given to an honest coder.

IMO, once it's been established that someone is a scammer, they shouldn't be allowed to continue posting here (and certainly not using vB.org to continue making money.)
I am no scammer i have replyed to you in PM's and posts saying the spelling misstakes will be sorted out.
As the league uses the phrases you can change them yourself but that would be to easy.
I have told you that there is fixes being made and you would get the updated files very soon but yet again this is not good enough for you.

With any script you sometimes have to wait a few days for the updates to be done and i can tell you, that you got the league on 11-20-2007 and your first post about this problem was on the 11-27-2006 and i have been sorting out the spelling misstakes. So you have not been scamed.

As this is the only problem you have with the league there is no reason for me to give a refund as the league is doing what you wanted in the first place, If you did not want the league why did you buy it in the first place.

So dont come on here saying that i am scaming you as i am not.
And also how can you call me a scammer for a few spelling misstakes, This is not what i would call a scammer.
A scammer is someone that will take your money and not help in any way, But i am helping as i do with all me script free and payed for.
I think people like you should be banned for not giving time for any thing to be fixed and having a attitude.

I also think you should not buy scripts from anyone as i can see you saying this about anyone just to get your money back and then have the script for free.
Old 12-11-2006, 11:59 AM
pcoskat pcoskat is offline
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Originally Posted by micheal332001 View Post
With any script you sometimes have to wait a few days for the updates to be done and i can tell you, that you got the league on 11-20-2007 and your first post about this problem was on the 11-27-2006
That was my first POST here on vB - only because you would not respond at your board to any PM's. I was very respectful in my initial questions and reports, however, you simply chose to ignore me.

Originally Posted by micheal332001 View Post
i have been sorting out the spelling misstakes.
There is nothing to 'sort' through. You asked me to send you a detailed list of the errors (which I did). I even resent the extensive list because you claimed you 'lost my email' when your 'computer crashed' (it was sent via pm).

Originally Posted by micheal332001 View Post
A scammer is someone that will take your money and not help in any way
Exactly. You have not attempted to help me with your (now defunct product) in any way.

Originally Posted by micheal332001 View Post
I think people like you should be banned for not giving time for any thing to be fixed and having a attitude.
As you indicated in this post, I purchased your script on 11/20. Today is 12/11, and the spelling errors have not been fixed - despite the fact that you were given a detailed list of the errors and the corrections. (Even if you had fixed one error per day, you would be about done, by now.)

Morever, when I first brought the spelling and technical problems to your attention, your response was to pull the entire script from purchase. You also indicated that that a NEW script would be released 'within a few days' and that earlier customers would get that script at no charge. Needless to say, this hasn't happened, nor have you responded to my requests for a date that the new script would be released.

Lastly, I also paid for installation service that you didn't perform. This wasn't refunded either.

You are a scammer, who like the others, always needs 'time to sort through things' or has 'computer crashes' when a customer has a complaint.

Fortunately, in all the years I've been a member here, this is the first scam I've been taken by. As I stated ealier, the overwhelming majority of coders and others here are very honest people who do fantastic work.

I just received an email indicating that all spelling errors that I reported have been fixed, and I am to uninstall the old product and re-install the corrected one. So, for now, the only thing I'm out is the money I paid for 'installation service' that was never performed or attempted.
Old 12-11-2006, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by smacklan
I agree there are obligations, however I am not an attorney and don't know what Jelsoft's legal liability is. I'm sure they employ a fine team of attorneys who have advised them long ago they are not liable or this would not still be occuring...just my guess though.
I would suspect that nobody has asked for a legal opinion in this regard; because if they had they would have greater safeguards in place, including the removal of members known to commit fraud on their site.

The issue here isn't one of not being aware of the fraud, it's one of being aware of it and not taking any action to prevent it from occurring again. You can't offer a service and then knowingly allow people to use it to commit a crime without a reasonable chance of liability on your part.
Old 12-11-2006, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post

If you want to go after him, you need to press criminal charges. These threads don't do anything when no one is actually following up with actual actions. he is ignoring this thread because at some point, this thread WILL die out. They all do.

I would suggest you call paypal, explain the "theft", and have the paypal transaction details ready. His paypal account was verified through his bank. They have all the required info on this kid for you to go after him criminally.

It may require the police or an attorney to contact paypal to obtain the required contact info, but this is the only real way to nail this kid.

Seeing as there are more than one person that has been scammed, you could all file a joint suit against him as well for fraud.

Take legal recourse.
This should be sticky for everybody to see.
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