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Old 11-22-2006, 07:33 AM
Kungfu Kungfu is offline
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Originally Posted by FleaBag View Post
Tim's story sounds like a pile of BS to me.

15-25k cheques? You mean you are not sure? BS.

In the UK we need something called a cheque guarantee card which has your signature, you need this for example to write a cheque for $100 or more. I don't know if it's the case in the US, but only cheques below this value are allowed without the card. Are you telling us they managed to write 250+ cheques before you realised you were robbed? BS.

None of the places they wrote the cheques have any CCTV? BS.

You are assumed guilty before innocent - unless you live in the congo - BS.

You bought 5K worth of PC equipment before refunding our friend here? Get your prioriries straight.

You refunded $20 as a token? What a weak attempt at reconciliation, I have more than that down the side of my sofa.

Sounds like a lot of what you say is BS. Which is a real shame because from what I saw here I thought you were a decent guy. I know 14 sounds a little like 40 but I don't think you can use that excuse with typeface!

I would hope that your story is genuine, but I see you posted plenty on your sites in the last few months and in my quick browse I saw no mention of a robbery or arrest there, and no period in which you were offline.

A real shame that there are thieves among out community. As that's what it comes down to, petty theivery.
most checks that are that big would need an id to verify, meaning a license or something. just depends on the place. But your bank wouldnt not do that to you. How could 20k-25k go unnoticed. There is no way someone would spend that all in one day, plus if you got robbed how do you not notice your checks are missing. I dont know about anyone else, but i wouldnt notice if someone was spending my money. You have to sign a check, they can tell if its you or not. how would the robber know your signature? Complete BS.

I agree with fleebag. Thats why you should go with places like rentacoder and you post a private project then they can accept it and it can be mediated. Ive went through there before and the guy said he was done with my project, i told him thats not what i wanted and i got my money back. Great place.
Old 11-22-2006, 07:33 AM
acerulezz acerulezz is offline
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paypal does not issue chargebacks after 45 days. After submitting the email, transaction and pm records, they said that since the transaction is more than 4 months old they can only ask the person concerned and then tell me whats the progress. I haven't heard from them although i sent a reminder 2 daysback.
meanwhile this guy came and said he will pay back the full amount in 10 days.(its written in his post above if you want proof)
as far as fishyness from my side goes, i can show almost all records (pm if you want them lol) and even 15 his last conversation with me in which he mentions that the full amount is almost ready and he will pay in a couple of days. He vanished after that.
Old 11-22-2006, 03:50 PM
SCRIPT3R SCRIPT3R is offline
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i meant "fishy" to be on both sides in regards to Tim and Paypal - not you. sorry for not being clear. i think it totally sucks that this guy is getting away with this. what i would do is also file a formal complaint/police report in his home town. you could get that information from his registrar from his site. amybe even go after him in small claims court.
Old 11-22-2006, 04:09 PM
Logikos Logikos is offline
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Originally Posted by Kungfu View Post
There is no way someone would spend that all in one day
Wanna bet? ^^
Old 11-22-2006, 04:42 PM
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Reminds me of the Citibank commercials....

"Shoot, it ain't our money...."
Old 11-23-2006, 05:02 AM
Mythotical Mythotical is offline
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Well reading this I will say this, look at my title, says Coder, doesn't say advanced coder or whatever. I am hired on this board based on my portfolio and I always, always provide contacts of past contacts especially my big clients. So I will say this, when someone places a thread like this, it upsets me to know that coders are ripping off innocent people from this site. I built my company on trust, quality over quanity and a refund if need be. Another thing is when I read that someone won't hire from this board again, that not only hurts us that are honest and do our best to keep things straight with clients but also is upsetting to know that my chance to get hired by that person has become even smaller because of this other person that ripped off someone. The most advise I can give is this, always check for references and check for a portfolio. No portfolio or references, no hire.
Old 11-23-2006, 12:46 PM
hotwheels hotwheels is offline
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That really sucks acerulezz....I even made a small donation to this guy about a month ago, for the talkerbot that he supposedly updated to work with our current vb's.....And i was only one person, so i am sure he has made money in the last few months....

I wish you the best with this guy and hope he will be an extreme man, and get you your money back.....
Old 11-23-2006, 03:17 PM
acerulezz acerulezz is offline
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by any chance was your donation amount 20$?
Old 11-23-2006, 03:21 PM
hotwheels hotwheels is offline
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I will have to look at my paypal to know for sure.......I can't remember and i am on my work computer, so i don't have paypal access from here..

but i am just one person that has donated to him recently, so it's not like he hasn't recieved any money....plus he was trying to sell a bunch of stuff on his other website, which i am sure some people fell into paying for some of his software....
Old 11-23-2006, 05:12 PM
acerulezz acerulezz is offline
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hmm i am pretty sure he can and has the money to pay.
he keeps on opening new sites and all licenses cost money. And if he is a good enough coder as he claims he is then earning this amount should not be a huge deal. What purpose he is achieving by delays and all kinds of excuses beats me.
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