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Old 10-25-2006, 01:35 AM
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Default Word to the wise

Most of us come to a place like this to get help.
Some of the coders that you find here can be more of a hack than you may think. This forum does all that it can to protect you from the hacks, but they can only do so much.

If you are looking for someone to work on your site, do not trust Steve M of vbpatrons.com after he was paid in full, the work was never completed. When he was confronted about loosen a lot of the work that was done. He block all communications including banning my ip from his site. The bad thing is I paid for two sites and I still do not have any working the way it should. No refund was ever made. I now have Brandon of http://forum.vbulletinsetup.com/ working on my site. Brandon has cleaned up most of the crap that was done, and in doing so have found hidden links in my site to Steve M of vbpatrons.com site. When asked Steve M of vbpatrons.com log in and removed files that cause by site to go off line. the support team of www.vbulletin.com could not find any trace of by vb files.

Unfortunately, it looks like the vBulletin installation has been removed from your server.

All the best,
Jo Darby
vBulletin Support
To make a long and painful story short, do not deal with Steve M of vbpatrons.com.
Old 10-25-2006, 01:50 AM
Ntfu2 Ntfu2 is offline
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Im lost. Lets try to figure it out together

He block all communications including banning my ip from his site.
That sucks, what a childish thing to do. Serisously he should have just dealt with it, did you ask for a refund or anything?

The bad thing is I paid for two sites and I still do not have any working the way it should.
What all did you pay for him to do, can we see the work that he attempted or screwed up?

have found hidden links in my site to Steve M of vbpatrons.com site
What good are hidden links? Did you personally see the links or was it just a "Hey joh, i found a 'hidden link to xxx site'?

When asked Steve M of vbpatrons.com log in and removed files that cause by site to go off line
Now it gets interesting. See first quote, thought all communication had ceased? Why didnt the guy from forum.vbulletinsetup.com simply remove the files that needed removed? Simply removing vBulletin files is harmless anyway. Just upload the new ones so you know you have a "clean" set of files with no "hidden" links.

Which brings me to my next inquiry of why you'd have someone who is apparently jerking you around to continue to work on your site? Just kinda curious as to what happened and why. It helps paint a better larger picture of why or why not people should continue to use his business.
Old 10-25-2006, 10:33 AM
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He blocked my Ip from his site, msn, yahoo, skype and pms from on all boards that we are both on. Except for this one, it seems that he forgot this is where I found him.

Here is the list that I needed. He also claim that we could do it all for the price that he set, at no time did I ask if he could do it for less.
I need a fresh new look while combining all my web sites.
in vbullitin i wan a list of cool mods:
1: video to play in the post when you hit the play button

2: I want my guys to be able to upload pictures from there pc straight to the post, all pictures to me resize to 320x240.

3: ads in the redirect, slow down the redirect so someone can read the ad

4: give a person the option to join a user group when they register (I have and idea on how this can work.)

5: a event planer that everyone can see and add events but can not remove the events, all event must be ok by one of the moderators

6: text and picture ads between the post, threads, top, and bottom of the forum

7: make so only moderators can use html

8: Send HTML emails from admin CP

9: A killer game room so I can keep people on my site is keep them coming back

10: Vb Favorites this way my members can track the post for years to come even after people stop posting on it.

11: A disclaimer so when ever someone use a link out side of my own site from my site a little pop up window will tell them that they are leaven the site, I also want an add in that pop up window.

12: a sweet looking chat room

13: video conference on the site

14: a shopping area

15: a picture gallery for each member and one that does not look cheesy

16: Spell and grammar check options on the forum, one that does not take me of site to all those pop up windows that never goes away.

17: Attached Image Watermark to all images that is upload to the site

18: In the pm have a link that takes you to a page that you can introduce yourself

Random Images Anywhere https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=94433

Translate Your Forum Pages https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=110117

Add Search Engine Optimized (SEO) Keywords & Description to each Forum https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=104025

I want some thing like vJukebox - Song and Video Management System. but i find it to look very low grade. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=102555 but I like the way this looks http://www.marble.com/countertops/video.html

VB Pizza Boy 3.5 I am hoping that all the guys could order food not just the admin. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=96448


I would like to have a clip play in the portal like this guy below

I have this install now put it looks very very very big
I find the calendar that comes with this software a bit week. I would like to keep gig calendar http://extensions.joomla.org/compone...,97/Itemid,35/

I would like for this site to be #1 on every search engine, that should not be too hard seen that there is not much places that deals with natural stone.

ok that is all that is coming to me, I am also in the natural stone world so I would like this place to represent this, buttons that look like cracked stone when there is a new post and a nicely polish granite with a reflection when there is no new post, the skin of the site must be sharp but yet elegant, I need people that live in a 2.5 million dollar home to feel that they are in the right place.
if you think you are up for the challenge contact me ASAP if not i hope it is because you are too busy.

I almost forgot:
No one can bookmark the index page for the forum, if the try I want them to get my front page.

About Today This is the news feed hack which is TOTALLY managable.


AnyMedia This will do your video inline.

Check out this site lay out I hate the colors but like the lay out. www.afterseppuku.com & http://www.gotfrag.com/portal/forums/
and https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=114521
The game room is the only thing that was not full of bugs. I had the geek from www.thevbgeek.com come and fix all of the geek plug ins. chuck from www.photopost.com to install the photo post stuff; Brandon of http://forum.vbulletinsetup.com has been chipping away at the rest of the site. I feel so bad for him.

The hidden links I was just told about and then Brandon removed them. I have no clue why someone would want to put links on my site.

Here is the thing the very next day all we could see was an error page. I contacted vBulletin and they could not find any traces of the installation, and they were the ones that I paid to install it in the first place. My site was gone. All they could do is upload the new files, this would mean all the hacks, and post that I had would be loss for good. Here is the funny part. I call them on the phone and told them the address of the home they were staying at. In a matter of seconds my phone rang with them now claiming that they had nothing to do with my site been crash and that my site must have been hacked. It gets real funny now. All day the staff of www.vbulletin.com could not help me but in fewer than 5 minutes after the call my site was back online.

Reasons why you should not work with this guy.
A few of the hacks that I had on my site was pirated (vbgeek)

He is like a use car sales man, he tells you he can do all the stuff on your list but than once he has started.
He then tells you that some of the work cannot be done, although you all agree on a price to do the job.
He has no respected for time frames.
When things go wrong he blames his so call staff instead of just dealing with it.
The fact that he crashed my site.
The fact that when his wife spoke to me on yahoo and he came home, he told me for $150 more he will have the site done in two days. Of course I said that I would so that my site could be done. this never happen and all communication was cut except for pm from other web sites but that too was close done one by one.

I have kept most of the back and fourth stuff
[1:08:08 AM] Steve Moore says: look I know I got pissed and was an ass, I am sorry, I was upset and blamed the wrong person but you see how I felt when you blamed me for something I didn't do. I have your site, you can either take it or leave it. But keep slandering my name and next call will be a lawyer. I'm trying to be nice and you want to be an ass now. Either way, we either talk or we don't talk. If we don't talk then you don't follow me and harrass me in threads. Otherwise it will be a lawsuit. Btw, you have the wrong address and all for me. So that won't help you either.
[1:17:11 AM] Steve Moore says: ************ that lawsuit ************, just give me 10 mins to talk to you, thats all I ask
[1:25:30 AM] Steve Moore says: I'm sorry I even mentioned a lawsuit, this needs to get resolved between us ASAP so we both are happy
I really do not care about the money; I just want what I paid for. He has a few hacks that he did have install on my site but then removed. If we send them to my new coder so that it will help my coder meet the dead line of the 11/1/06 I would go away and leave this a warning to all to be very careful when picking a coder.
Old 10-25-2006, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Ntfu2
Now it gets interesting. See first quote, thought all communication had ceased? Why didnt the guy from forum.vbulletinsetup.com simply remove the files that needed removed? Simply removing vBulletin files is harmless anyway. Just upload the new ones so you know you have a "clean" set of files with no "hidden" links.

Which brings me to my next inquiry of why you'd have someone who is apparently jerking you around to continue to work on your site? Just kinda curious as to what happened and why. It helps paint a better larger picture of why or why not people should continue to use his business.
That is what we did, uploaded the new version of vbulletin and clean files, and we've been searching around fixing errors b4 any Real work can even be done

Either way, thanks Joh for the kind words, we'll get your sites up and running just like you want.

Old 10-25-2006, 07:34 PM
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As repeated many times, vb.org is not the place to be settling arguments. We do allow feedback (good or bad) from members on their experiences, but we will not allow threads to turn into battle grounds. I am closing this now before this turns into such a topic. Please sort your differences out privately.
Old 10-29-2006, 12:27 AM
Farimynn Farimynn is offline
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I don't even know where to start. As some have told me, there are always 2 sides to every story and if both sides are given then they come to their own conclusion so here I am.

Many people come to vbulletin.org for support, help, services, etc. Steve M and I are coders that work on people's sites and are good at what we do. Steve M is alot better than I am but I am learning as I go.

I am one of the co-owners of vbpatrons and in defense of Steve M and vbpatrons.com I am here to dispute accusations made against us. We are fully staffed, style designer and all, the works. We offer services and make our customers happy time and time again. We have returning customers that have been with us for quite awhile now. I'm not trying to advertise so let me just get to the points at hand.

Trust is hard to find but so is finding a client. If one thing isn't able to be done, for instance Joh, then the client gets discouraged and in this case, irrate and irrational. I do not have anything against Joh, he is a good person but is very assuming and has continued on his venture of following vbpatrons.com/staff from site to site. He was repremanded from another vbulletin website for the same actions so he has moved on to vbulletin.org. Well, I have been told that negative feedback is allowed on this site but if the allegations are false then that is a whole other matter. This is where I start.

Joh hired Steve M to do work on his website, and work was completed. Because some of the things that were on his list of things to do were not possible, Joh became irrational and banned us from his website, hense no more work could be done on his website. Before all this, when Steve M was hired, there was a list of approximately 15 things that Joh wanted to be done on his website. As time went on, more stuff was added to the list of modifications/hacks/addons and vbpatrons never once raised the price that was given, the staff did all the extra work for nothing. Over 2000 arcade games were added, installed, and tested on his site. Many of the things that were on Joh's list had to be custom hacks and were done, which is why this job took over 2 months to complete. If something wasn't possible, Joh was told.

Joh's IP was never banned from the server until he started causing problem on the vbpatrons website. He became very unpolite and was causing problems. At first we only banned Joh's account, he created another account so we had no options but to ban his IP from the server. Communication with Joh was not banned from Steve M's or my instant messengers until he started sending threatening messages and was acting in a rude manner.

On another vbulletin website, we did offer Joh a refund of 1/2 the amount that he paid just to try to calm the situation so we could all move on with our lives, he refused the refund and insisted that we (Steve M or myself) go back to work on Joh's website. This was not an option for us, we did not want to work on Joh's website again because of accusations that were brought up regarding someone hacking his website. This brings me to the next subject. Joh contacted me when his site went down, he gave me FTP access. I entered his website files and all of the vbulletin files were present. None of the files were missing, I found that the problem was that someone had messed with Joh's config.php file which in turn made his site go down. I fixed the file and fixed the file so that Joh would have administration access (this had been changed) and that was supposed to have been the end of it, all of this took place even after Joh banned our accounts so Joh had to give me back access so that I could fix his problem. I do not know why vb told Joh that no trace of vbulletin was found on his server, they were all there and I fixed them myself. The only thing that I can think happened is that the system could not find the config.php file and that is why vbulletin didn't appear to be installed. As far as any hidden files, there were no hidden files that linked back to vbpatrons. The only things that were Steve M's or mine were temporary ads that Joh has requested that he have on the website until Joh could find other ads to take their place.

To make a long story short (or mid-length), Steve M and I are valued on quality work in a timely manner. We are upfront from the beginning and if something changes then we make sure the client knows as soon as possible. We are valued by returning customers and are happy to have new customers.

Thank you for reading and have a great day/night.
Melissa Moore AKA Farimynn
vBPatrons co-owner/representative
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