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Old 05-15-2006, 02:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Tralala
Well that moderator's sleepin' on the job. This hack thread had its attachment removed long ago, yet the thread remains. I'm sure there are plenty more.

JumpD's got attention because of the current climate. This is not "business as usual" and anyone following along can see that clearly.

You're telling me it's the mod's job to delete attachment-less hack threads and all the hundreds of posts of valuable information and support, and it's okay for them to do so a mere 12 hours after the attachment has been taken down?

If that's the case, the "job" needs to be reviewed.

This harms the users and the community too. I contributed to those threads too, still have those hacks installed, and would like to review the information there. If JumpD never came back, then I'm denied that information forever?

That's stupid.

Some of his threads had thousands of posts! Lock the threads if you want, but don't DELETE them.

It's an absurd move. You embarrass yourself by defending it.
We're human, we make mistakes. We don't always see every thread that needs to be deleted. That is what the report button is for.

But when members complain to us that hack threads are bing abandoned or having the hacks removed, we have to follow the rules, no matter who it is. That's what the rules are there for.
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Old 05-15-2006, 02:21 AM
Lady Divus Lady Divus is offline
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Originally Posted by hambil
If asked for support on an existing hack by a user, I will give the canned reply:
Wow, hambil, i guess since you are inferring that you wont give support, or release anymore work because you are trying to make a point, then when/if you do decide to 'start supporting/releasing' your hacks again, myself as well as others may remember the canned reply and not even bother to download your work. You are telling me that you are going to behave the very same way you are accusing the staff of behaving. Does two wrongs make a right?

I personally feel that LiveWire is an awesome coder, and i certainly hate to see him leave. I absolutely adore TheGeek and feel that PaulM is somewhat blunt but always makes sense to me, and i dont always like the atmosphere here from the Mods, BUT, i have seen more coders treating members bad than i have staff. You seem to forget that w/o users, there would be no need for coders. The same as you say w/o coders, there would be no site.

I am very much dissapointed in your comments as this is not what i expected as a user to see from you since you are requesting respect.

Originally Posted by hambil
My reaction was specifically to being called replaceable, and having had numerous suggestions go unanswered. But mostly to being called replaceable.
Have you looked lately to see how many requests for support goes unanswered? Numerous requests from what i can see, from various coders! (Not pointing at anyone in particular) As far as your reaction to being called replaceable, guess what, YOU ARE replaceable! We all are. If a user bulks and leaves, do you think we wouldnt be replaced by 100 more in no time? Of course we would! If a company loses an employee, does he shut the doors and close up shop and go home? Of course not, he finds someone else to 'replace' that employee.

What i am trying to say is this. You cant develope the attitude that someone stole your lollipop so you are going hold your breath until you turn blue until they give it back. You have to be better than that, you have to say, ok, im more mature than that and i am not going to retaliate by taking your lollipop tomorrow, in fact, tomorrow i will have another one and bring you one too.

If it seems a bit rediculous to give such a childish analogy then please be aware that is how your starting post seems to me, childish. If you dont like how others play the game, then dont play in their yard. It is that simple IMO...Take care all -

Lady Divus
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Old 05-15-2006, 02:22 AM
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I can only say this so many times that this has nothing to do with ego or who is higher on the this so called pedestal. I feel like this is being made into some sort of contest, which it isn't. He removed the zip files, which means the hack thread is no longer a hack thread. If he wants to put the zip files back, we will restore the thread.

If I announced publically that I was removing my hacks and leaving, of course the threads would be deleted quicker than the example you just posted.
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Old 05-15-2006, 02:22 AM
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I submit then that the rules need to be changed. A thread with valuable information in it, one that has the capacity to help the members here, shouldn't be removed even if the attachment is removed (unless the hack author requests it be removed too, of course.)

Worst case scenario: lock the thread.

Deleting it only denies the users the valuable information in the thread. No, new members won't get confused; the thread is locked and soon forgotten.

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Old 05-15-2006, 02:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Lady Divus
Wow, hambil, i guess since you are inferring that you wont give support, or release anymore work because you are trying to make a point, then when/if you do decide to 'start supporting/releasing' your hacks again, myself as well as others may remember the canned reply and not even bother to download your work. You are telling me that you are going to behave the very same way you are accusing the staff of behaving. Does two wrongs make a right?

I personally feel that LiveWire is an awesome coder, and i certainly hate to see him leave. I absolutely adore TheGeek and feel that PaulM is somewhat blunt but always makes sense to me, and i dont always like the atmosphere here from the Mods, BUT, i have seen more coders treating members bad than i have staff. You seem to forget that w/o users, there would be no need for coders. The same as you say w/o coders, there would be no site.

I am very much dissapointed in your comments as this is not what i expected as a user to see from you since you are requesting respect.

Have you looked lately to see how many requests for support goes unanswered? Numerous requests from what i can see, from various coders! (Not pointing at anyone in particular) As far as your reaction to being called replaceable, guess what, YOU ARE replaceable! We all are. If a user bulks and leaves, do you think we wouldnt be replaced by 100 more in no time? Of course we would! If a company loses an employee, does he shut the doors and close up shop and go home? Of course not, he finds someone else to 'replace' that employee.

What i am trying to say is this. You cant develope the attitude that someone stole your lollipop so you are going hold your breath until you turn blue until they give it back. You have to be better than that, you have to say, ok, im more mature than that and i am not going to retaliate by taking your lollipop tomorrow, in fact, tomorrow i will have another one and bring you one too.

If it seems a bit rediculous to give such a childish analogy then please be aware that is how your starting post seems to me, childish. If you dont like how others play the game, then dont play in their yard. It is that simple IMO...Take care all -

Lady Divus
I'd do a marriage proposal right now, but you would only be disaapointed anyway.

Excellent post! No one here has stated this any better than you just did. You are to be commended and admired.
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Old 05-15-2006, 02:26 AM
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well i have a few hacks that i have not relased because of the atmosphere here.

Once things get worked out I would be happy to start putting out my hacks.
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Old 05-15-2006, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Tralala
I submit then that the rules need to be changed. A thread with valuable information in it, one that has the capacity to help the members here, shouldn't be removed even if the attachment is removed (unless the hack author requests it be removed too, of course.)

Worst case scenario: lock the thread.

Deleting it only denies the users the valuable information in the thread. No, new members won't get confused; the thread is locked and soon forgotten.

Your suggestion will certainly be discussed amongst the staff.
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Old 05-15-2006, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Tralala
I submit then that the rules need to be changed. A thread with valuable information in it, one that has the capacity to help the members here, shouldn't be removed even if the attachment is removed (unless the hack author requests it be removed too, of course.)

Worst case scenario: lock the thread.

Deleting it only denies the users the valuable information in the thread. No, new members won't get confused; the thread is locked and soon forgotten.

And then you get threads wondering where the hack is and why there is no support. It's easier to remove it than get everyone all upset because someone is having a "day".
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Old 05-15-2006, 02:29 AM
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Originally Posted by chatbum
well i have a few hacks that i have not relased because of the atmosphere here.

Once things get worked out I would be happy to start putting out my hacks.
Don't threaten us with your hacks, Chatburn, that isn't fair. :cross-eyed:
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Old 05-15-2006, 02:29 AM
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It seems to me that it would be more sensible to close them and move them out of the hacks area into the general support area, so people can at least refer to them. I understand why they were removed (policy), but IMO, the policy needs a small tweak

I also think the reaction of some to this has been somewhat OTT - chill out people.
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