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Old 02-07-2006, 11:49 PM
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I do not support speech of any kind on illegal topics including this discussion of the legalities and merits of pot so if the vbulletin.org servers get siezed, I am just going to say its about damn time the law cracked down on this.

Sorry Filburt, but the opportunity just couldn't be resisted to better articulate my point
Old 02-07-2006, 11:51 PM
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I haven't been able to find any legitimate news reports on this. Thus far, everything I've read has been rumors on pot-sites. Are there any links to legitimate news sites - not blogs?
Old 02-08-2006, 01:52 AM
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Originally Posted by princessfrozen
As an Alaska resident (yes I live in Atlanta but my residency is still Fairbanks, Alaska) I can tell you that I don't have to try it out. Nobody gets busted for pot unless there is something else to go along with it in Alaska (DUI, domestic violence, etc). Also, you can grow it on your property or in your residence there as well, AS LONG AS there is no intent to distribute. As far as federal trumping state law, as far as I know, Scott Thomas is still a free man. Where's the DEA, FBI, CIA trumping the Alaska constitution?

And booooo corriewf, you don't have to be stoned to live there. I lived there for 13 years. :-P
Federal law does trumpt state law which means marijuana is illegal regardless of where you live. I do remember the ONE and I repeat ONE court case in Alaska where charges were dropped when a man was arrested for growing pot in his house. If the state of Alaska had wanted, they could have appealed and went to federal court. Drug enforcement is not a matter of the FBI or CIA, it is however the DEA's job. They seized over 3.2 kgs of marijuana in Alaska for the year of 2004.

Originally Posted by amykhar
I haven't been able to find any legitimate news reports on this. Thus far, everything I've read has been rumors on pot-sites. Are there any links to legitimate news sites - not blogs?
This is about as creditable as it gets. Possibly just a rumor? :ermm:
Old 02-08-2006, 04:51 AM
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<a href="http://whois.sc/" target="_blank">http://whois.sc/</a>

This is his host
Old 02-08-2006, 06:38 AM
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Originally Posted by tgillespie
Marijuana usage is illegal world wide which makes distrobution illegal regardless of ones location.
The world extends beyond the US, I'm sure you are aware...

I can think of one place immediately where it's not illegal - The Netherlands

However, regardless of the legalities of smoking or growing it, talking about it showing people how to grow it or roll it, as far as I know, is not illegal

The only thing I can see anyone really taking issue with is the information on where to buy the seeds etc

Old 02-08-2006, 11:14 PM
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Excuse me, but I am very aware the world extends beyond America.
Originally Posted by Chris M
The world extends beyond the US, I'm sure you are aware...

I can think of one place immediately where it's not illegal - The Netherlands

However, regardless of the legalities of smoking or growing it, talking about it showing people how to grow it or roll it, as far as I know, is not illegal

The only thing I can see anyone really taking issue with is the information on where to buy the seeds etc

Sorry, but thats a common misconception. Pot is however illegal world wide. Even in the Netherlands.
Cannabis remains a controlled substance in the Netherlands and both possession and production for personal use are still misdemeanors, punishable by fine.
The coffee shop canibus store is popular in the Netherlands and not often attacked by law enforcement which gives the impression that canibus is legal, but it still remains an illegal drug.
Old 02-09-2006, 08:34 AM
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I don't think it is outlawed world wide. I'm sure you could get away with smoking in Antarctica for example.

A better way of putting it would be it's illegal in most modern places in the world and allowed for medical uses in some places.

We can speculate about this all night, but we will never know what really happened unless the owner of the site comes forward. It's obvious that he had many sites dealing with the same subject, maybe something he was doing on one of them lead to overgrow getting taken offline as well.

I should also point out that 'overgrow' in the vBulletin admincp is not there to give credit to that site. It's there because that is the name the author of the karma hack for vB2 used, at the time he coded it he was the technical admin at overgrow.com. I think he left the overgrow.com community about two years ago.
Old 02-09-2006, 05:42 PM
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You do know that Overgrow, the person in the vbulletin credits, didn't own the site any longer and that he is not the one that was busted. He sold the site a couple years ago.
Just thought I'd point out that out.
You can go back to the legality discussions.
Old 02-09-2006, 07:03 PM
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LMAO, nothing illegal going on. HAHAHA, yup and nothing illegal goes on, at all those forums the terrorist visit either.
Old 02-09-2006, 08:45 PM
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Maybe, technically pot is illegal in most modern places. But just because something is illegal doesn't mean it carries a jail sentance or any kind or disciplinary process. I know for a fact that where I live, if I got stopped by the police, prodivded I had less than an ounce in no more than 1 piece and they had no reason to believe I intended to traffic I'd simply have it confiscated and be sent on my way without even a caution.

The world is a very busy place and law enforcement agencies have better things to do than police a crime that has no recorded associated fatalities in the history of everywhere worldwide.

And to compare smoking marijuana users with terrorists is a little off the mark.
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