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Old 02-06-2006, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by filburt1
BTW, I'm a college-educated 21-year-old with years of professional (i.e., paid job in a company/government) development experience. I'm not a snotty kid, nor did I verbally (well, textually) attack you, and I'd appreciate some respect. The moderator status alone should convey respect, whether I'm 21 or 12.

21 is still very very young in the full spectrum of life and in the professional world you are considered a kid. Moderatorship may command respect in regards of your knowledge of the rules here but outside of that realm your opinions are still subject to debate as any other member.
Old 02-06-2006, 03:54 PM
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I support free speech. I do not support speech of any kind on illegal topics. You could distort it to a view that discussing illegal activities is a form of conspiracy to commit the crimes in question.

Let's say I opened up a forum about homicide. That's a crime. Would your opinion change?
No my opinion wouldn't change because freedom of speech is still freedom of speech.

What if it was ruled illegal to practice christianity - would you be against people discussing various parts of the new testiment? What if it were ruled illegal to protest, would you be against discussions questioning certain policies? Where would it end?
Old 02-06-2006, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Reeve of shinra
No my opinion wouldn't change because freedom of speech is still freedom of speech.

What if it was ruled illegal to practice christianity - would you be against people discussing various parts of the new testiment? What if it were ruled illegal to protest, would you be against discussions questioning certain policies? Where would it end?

You guys are forgetting one thing....Freedom of speech is an American right and not global.
Old 02-06-2006, 04:38 PM
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Originally Posted by filburt1
I support free speech. I do not support speech of any kind on illegal topics.
Hence you becoming a forum moderator.

You don't support free speech if you don't support speech of any kind. IMO that's what the 'free' means is that you're free to say what you choose without being punished. What has happened here is horrible and I hope things are resolved quickly for the owners and operators.

Just because you side with the government doesn't mean anyone should be thankful that 'free thinkers' should have their websites permanently closed. What about the fact that now the canadian government has IP records and other contact information for thousands of members, message logs, private message logs, etc. does that make some of you happy? Do you hope that my government causes me and my website so much trouble?
Old 02-06-2006, 04:46 PM
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Originally Posted by filburt1
Well they did. Name one thing that was legal about their site's content.
I couldn't do that. I've never once been to the website.

Originally Posted by filburt1
BTW, I'm a college-educated 21-year-old with years of professional (i.e., paid job in a company/government) development experience. I'm not a snotty kid, nor did I verbally (well, textually) attack you, and I'd appreciate some respect. The moderator status alone should convey respect, whether I'm 21 or 12.
I'm not going to get into it with you, but the above post just pretty much provides me with more reason to believe that what I said was true. Maybe not the "kid" part. Perhaps, "Snotty young adult" would suffice?


I am just playing around.. but come on.. I'm just stating that what you originally posted was rather disrespectful. And coming from a moderator?

If you want respect from the community, I suggest giving some of your own. Just because you may have better grammar than a lot of people here, and that your website doesn't practice the growth of illegal paraphernalia doesn't mean that you should disrespect someone who does.

Maybe I'm being a little too harsh? But if there's one thing I can't stand, it's someone who thinks they're better than someone else and I happen to get that impression from you quite a bit. :ermm:
Old 02-06-2006, 05:22 PM
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I don't find any of it disrespectful. Obviously he was doing more than just talking about weed because Overgrow is not the only site that discusses this.

This is not a case of free speech being shot down like everyone wants to make it out to be
Old 02-06-2006, 06:26 PM
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Wow they took their time doing that, I said it would happen when I once visited the site in the days of Karma and it must have been one of the biggest forums around. Was really an obvious attraction for a haul in, not because talking how to grow is illegal, but all the users on there who openly posting about doing it.

Wont be long before big open boards like cdfreaks is done aswell, not because they have illegal stuff there but because theirs hordes of idiots posting there openly admitting to using filesharing bla bla.

Oh and I think unless its changed but importing seeds into the UK is illegal, but possesion of them in the UK isnt. I maybe wrong maybe not.

Sites like these will get busted for mass evidence purposes, why would the old bill want to run round trying to find these people when they all post on such places. All they are doing is dobbing themselves in in the long term.
Old 02-06-2006, 11:36 PM
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Sorry to hear that. As stated above, I didn't know it was illegal to discuss things that are illegal.

I am disheartened to see a member of the forum staff here take a "good riddance" stance towards the closing of any site. I've never once been to the site but if they did enough to have their name in the VB credits? I'd say that deserves some modicum of respect.

As they were apparently discussing the use of marijuana, please keep in mind that the laws against marijuana use are man's law and isn't even the law of the land everywhere.

I'd go into my views on the unfairness of the laws against marijuana but I'll save that for another time and place.

For the record, no, I'm not a drug user of any sort (unless you count the occasional margarita).
Old 02-07-2006, 12:10 AM
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Originally Posted by princessfrozen
Sorry to hear that. As stated above, I didn't know it was illegal to discuss things that are illegal.

I am disheartened to see a member of the forum staff here take a "good riddance" stance towards the closing of any site. I've never once been to the site but if they did enough to have their name in the VB credits? I'd say that deserves some modicum of respect.

As they were apparently discussing the use of marijuana, please keep in mind that the laws against marijuana use are man's law and isn't even the law of the land everywhere.

I'd go into my views on the unfairness of the laws against marijuana but I'll save that for another time and place.

For the record, no, I'm not a drug user of any sort (unless you count the occasional margarita).
It is not illegal to discuss things illegal but OBVIOUSLY more was going on with the owner of the site and the site itself.
Old 02-07-2006, 06:46 AM
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Originally Posted by princessfrozen
Sorry to hear that. As stated above, I didn't know it was illegal to discuss things that are illegal.
The discussion of marijuana is not illegal and was not the reason the site was shut down. The fact that the message boards were being used as a means for drug traffic was in fact the reason. Marijuana usage is illegal world wide which makes distrobution illegal regardless of ones location. If searching through the forum's PMs and logs will help hinder drug traffic then I would consider myself a supporter of the governments decision. As far as I am concerned when someone engages in illegal activity (movement of an illegal substance), their personal privacy is all but law enforcement's right.

You can find the discussion of marijuana just about anywhere you want to look (schools, movies, music) so its pretty plain that something other than "marijuana discussion" was going on.

Originally Posted by Dean C
What a ++++ing joke. There was nothing illegal going on, on that site.
Pretty bold statement for someone who has no idea what hes talking about. There was obviously something illegal at hand or else there would have been no intervention.
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