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Old 12-24-2005, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by kau
I bet they are super religious fanatics. Anyone that wouldn't let their software be used on a pot site is an idiot.
What gives you the right to tell a company that they must have their name associated with such things as Adult content and marijuana?

And who cares if they are super religous fantatics? You are someone who obviously doesn't care what your name is associated with and how people see you as a person.

Originally Posted by Chris M
Please - Enlighten us as to your reference point for this information...

As I see it, they only disallow the use of their software for sites such as warez sites, due to the legalities of their own software being pirated, and the copyrights and legal issues with other company's software being pirated...

I know of at least one large cannabis related vBulletin site (Overgrow) and I know that Adult content is not prohibited by the vBulletin Licence terms...

That is still denying the use of their product on a site based on the content of the site. Period.
Old 12-24-2005, 07:53 PM
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Well you are entitled to your interpretation of their licence agreement, while I will stick with "non-warez" sites

And Brent - That's actually not true - If you could prove that your forum on a warez site was legal and did not allow discussion of warez topics, and was simply for a community and a general chatting board, they would be hard-pressed to find a legal reason to revoke the licence as the board itself does not break any of their laws...

And even if they did allow warez discussion, as long as links are removed and file-sharing not done via the board, they still can't shut it down - Talking about it isn't illegal...

Old 12-24-2005, 07:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Chris M
Well you are entitled to your interpretation of their licence agreement, while I will stick with "non-warez" sites

And Brent - That's actually not true - If you could prove that your forum on a warez site was legal and did not allow discussion of warez topics, and was simply for a community and a general chatting board, they would be hard-pressed to find a legal reason to revoke the licence as the board itself does not break any of their laws...

And even if they did allow warez discussion, as long as links are removed and file-sharing not done via the board, they still can't shut it down - Talking about it isn't illegal...

Even with that the case these people still drive me nuts crying discrimmination while turning around and demanding that a company have it's name associated with things that go against their beliefs.

Has it gotten to a point in this country and this world where it is all about money now?

"I got 150 dollars, give me VBSEO. I don't care that you disagree with my content and do not wish to have your name associated with the likes of my content just give me my license now!"

Give me a break. That stuff pisses me off and that is another reason I defend them so much. I have great respect for someone that stands up for what they believe in and actually turns down 150 dollars multiple times to keep their promise to themselves.

I don't even oppose the use of Marijuana, in fact I push for it to become legalized, yet I feel the need to help someone defend themselves against people that wish to tear the company away from their beliefs just so they can have a piece of software.
Old 12-24-2005, 08:13 PM
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Originally Posted by BrentWilson
What gives you the right to tell a company that they must have their name associated with such things as Adult content and marijuana?

And who cares if they are super religous fantatics? You are someone who obviously doesn't care what your name is associated with and how people see you as a person.
I don't have that right. My opinion is any company who would would regulate their software like that are idiots. A potential client is going to search the net to find all the uses of their software, find a pot site, then go "oh no a pot site uses this software, golly jeez gosh I better not use it". Or maybe his potential wife is searching for her fiances uses of his software. "Oh his software is used at a pot site! Why I never would have imagined! I am breaking up with him." HAHAHAHA.
Old 12-24-2005, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by kau
I don't have that right. My opinion is any company who would would regulate their software like that are idiots. A potential client is going to search the net to find all the uses of their software, find a pot site, then go "oh no a pot site uses this software, golly jeez gosh I better not use it". Or maybe his potential wife is searching for her fiances uses of his software. "Oh his software is used at a pot site! Why I never would have imagined! I am breaking up with him." HAHAHAHA.
I don't find anything funny about this? I seriously doubt those are their concerns. They do not want their product associated with these sites whether or not people think this or not.

No one is an idiot here. You are the only one calling people names in this thread so if you are not interested in the software and have nothing constructive to add then don't post!
Old 12-24-2005, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by BrentWilson
Even with that the case these people still drive me nuts crying discrimmination while turning around and demanding that a company have it's name associated with things that go against their beliefs.

Has it gotten to a point in this country and this world where it is all about money now?

"I got 150 dollars, give me VBSEO. I don't care that you disagree with my content and do not wish to have your name associated with the likes of my content just give me my license now!"

Give me a break. That stuff pisses me off and that is another reason I defend them so much. I have great respect for someone that stands up for what they believe in and actually turns down 150 dollars multiple times to keep their promise to themselves.

I don't even oppose the use of Marijuana, in fact I push for it to become legalized, yet I feel the need to help someone defend themselves against people that wish to tear the company away from their beliefs just so they can have a piece of software.
At the end of the day, yes, they will conduct business how they wish and that is that...

However there are some cases where their "Acceptable Use" policies are not exactly as clear-cut or "fair" (as if the Internet is anyway) as they could or should be...

Moral reasonings are, in my opinion, not a just ideal to base your business practise on - The point here is that cannabis is legal in some places in the World...

Yes, the World - vBulletin and vBSEO will and do have customers from a global market, not just from the states - And while you may argue about your constitutional rights blah de blah de blah, they don't apply to everyone everywhere, as evident in places such as The Netherlands...

While vBSEO have every right to disagree usage of their software for illegal sites, they should take into consideration the cultural deviations between the Americas and the rest of the world, and acknowledge that what's illegal for some isn't for others in some cases; They should be aware that such actions as denying service may be seen as a bad business move, but more importantly than business, is people's respect for a company...

Now I personally don't like the fact that vBSEO is closed source - The price tag, if it does what it claims to, is steep but probably worth it - However as a coder I like to dismantle what I have installed and while most of it would go over my head with vBSEO (.htaccess stuff, mostly gibberish to me) the PHP and/or database side of it, well, I like to know what my scripts are doing to my forum and site...

But aside from my personal concerns with the product, I seriously think that the vBSEO staff should re-think their policies in light of some of the points raised in this thread, moral, illegal or not...

Some people may take offence to being told that they can't have a site about growing and smoking certain substances when it is legal in their country to do so...

Old 12-24-2005, 08:40 PM
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hahahahahahaha!! and hah! What if they are making a moral judgement...if you see it that way then it's your guilty concience. Bottom line is this...if it belongs to me, I have the right to say "I will not sell to you" for whatever reason I choose and it really is none of your business why I choose not to. If you think me an idiot, so be it...your opinion along with your money is not anything I need.
Old 12-24-2005, 09:13 PM
MRGTB MRGTB is offline
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Originally Posted by smacklan
hahahahahahaha!! and hah! What if they are making a moral judgement...if you see it that way then it's your guilty concience. Bottom line is this...if it belongs to me, I have the right to say "I will not sell to you" for whatever reason I choose and it really is none of your business why I choose not to. If you think me an idiot, so be it...your opinion along with your money is not anything I need.
But "Chris M" does bring up a valid and good point though. People from countries were it legal would view vBSEO refusing them a license as a bit of a joke in there eyes. Because there outlook but be totally different, because to them it's legal. So maybe there AUP does need closer looking at to suit sites globally.
Old 12-24-2005, 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted by smacklan
hahahahahahaha!! and hah! What if they are making a moral judgement...if you see it that way then it's your guilty concience. Bottom line is this...if it belongs to me, I have the right to say "I will not sell to you" for whatever reason I choose and it really is none of your business why I choose not to. If you think me an idiot, so be it...your opinion along with your money is not anything I need.
Actually that's not strictly true - If you don't give a reason you leave yourself open to the risk of a lawsuit due to someone believing your decision was based on a religious or racial act of discrimination...

So while you believe you can do what you want, there are limits to how much freedom you do have, especially as a business - If you aren't careful, not saying is almost as bad as actually saying...

Old 12-24-2005, 09:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Gary Bolton
But "Chris M" does bring up a valid and good point though. People from countries were it legal would view vBSEO refusing them a license as a bit of a joke in there eyes. Because there outlook but be totally different, because to them it's legal. So maybe there AUP does need closer looking at to suit sites globally.
Even more fuel for a "Branding-free" option of vBSEO - Their best course of action would be to change their AUP to include statements such as "Each case will be treated on an individual basis" and "Alternative avenues of progression may be taken if it is deemed that your site may not display an active vBSEO copyright"...

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