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Old 12-24-2005, 12:49 AM
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Originally Posted by AWI
Nope, but the point is it's bad business either way you look at it. Discrimination on any level is bad and it doesn't matter if it's the law or not. The guy just wanted to buy an overpriced product to help better his site and what he enjoys doing. Sure the seller has the right to say no or restrict things like this...I think we can say we covered all aspects of this subject and can lay it to rest...my opinion is that it is wrong and bad business...thanks for reading
Then why do you use vBulletin, since they discriminate and won't sell to sites that contain illegal material?
Old 12-24-2005, 01:17 AM
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Originally Posted by AWI
Nope, but the point is it's bad business either way you look at it. Discrimination on any level is bad and it doesn't matter if it's the law or not. The guy just wanted to buy an overpriced product to help better his site and what he enjoys doing. Sure the seller has the right to say no or restrict things like this...I think we can say we covered all aspects of this subject and can lay it to rest...my opinion is that it is wrong and bad business...thanks for reading
I guess bad business is good business to them? Like I said they seem to be doing pretty well

The software is fairly priced as well. The only people that complain are the ones with new sites that can not afford it. Honestly if your site is new you don't need this anyway, you got other things to spend your time and money on.

Originally Posted by ConqSoft
Then why do you use vBulletin, since they discriminate and won't sell to sites that contain illegal material?
but but but! That is different!
Old 12-24-2005, 01:37 AM
MRGTB MRGTB is offline
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Look at it another way.

Maybe he feels he doesn't want vBSEO to help lead more people to his site that could lead to a person starting to smoke drugs that has never smoked drugs before. Maybe he doesn't like the thought that his vBSEO product could do something like this and be responsible for creating another smack head.

All becuase he sold that site vBSEO that lead him there in the first place. Maybe the guy from vBSEO looks at the wider aspect of things like this and it has nothing to do with discrimination whats so ever.
Old 12-24-2005, 01:38 AM
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Originally Posted by ConqSoft
Then why do you use vBulletin, since they discriminate and won't sell to sites that contain illegal material?

What's your point? I don't remember saying I was not going to buy anyones products because of their business practices...this is not a boycott...please read the whole thread instead of posting useless comments...thank you

Look at it another way.

Maybe he feels he doesn't want vBSEO to help lead more people to his site that could lead to a person starting to smoke drugs that has never smoked drugs before. Maybe he doesn't like the thought that his vBSEO product could do something like this and be responsible for creating another smack head.

All becuase he sold that site vBSEO that lead him there in the first place. Maybe the guy from vBSEO looks at the wider aspect of things like this and it has nothing to do with discrimination whats so ever.
Sorry I have to laugh at that...people who do drugs and smoke marijauna do it with friends..thats how it spreads...through the streets. :ermm:
Old 12-24-2005, 01:39 AM
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So where are all your posts condemning Jelsoft's policy?
Old 12-24-2005, 01:43 AM
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Originally Posted by ConqSoft
So where are all your posts condemning Jelsoft's policy?

Again, read the thread..we are talking about vBSeo not vBulletin...and I don't agree with it no matter who it is...or what company.
Old 12-24-2005, 01:52 AM
MRGTB MRGTB is offline
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Originally Posted by AWI
What's your point? I don't remember saying I was not going to buy anyones products because of their business practices...this is not a boycott...please read the whole thread instead of posting useless comments...thank you

Sorry I have to laugh at that...people who do drugs and smoke marijauna do it with friends..thats how it spreads...through the streets. :ermm:
Well I could tell you a long story about a brother in-law who died at the age of 21 through drugs, which all started off with "smoking blow with his mates for a laugh". But I'll spare you the story.

Not all people stop at smoking blow your know, it can lead to other things which no doubt was on his mind well he said: NO

And I don't know were you get it was discrimination from, it was a moral discussion not to sell it him with is totally different.
Old 12-24-2005, 03:04 AM
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I have had on numerous occasions have script authors refuse to help me because my site 'supports' war. However misguided and as much I disagree with them it is thier right as a private entity to do it.

Just move on and ignore them, there are more important things in life.

Old 12-24-2005, 03:33 AM
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Hello Everyone,

The vBSEO Team has been discussing this topic. As a result, I thought it was only fair that I give you some insight as to our position on this matter, as opposed to forcing you to continue theorizing about the motivations behind our "Acceptable Usage Policy".

First of all, although we always strive to be fully aware of your concerns, we must firmly adhere to the company policies that we have in place. This means that, on occasion, we have disallowed the purchase of vBSEO from various forums including those related to the promotion of illegal drugs or pornography.

I do not intend to make any judgements regarding those of you who administer such forums. However, as a company, Crawlability believes in certain principles which are reflected in our vision, mission, and terms of use for all of our current and future product/service offerings.

Our software helps your forums gain more Web Traffic and more exposure. As a result, allowing vBSEO to be purchased for use with the types of forums restricted in our EULA, would essentially put Crawlability in the position of promoting content that we do not feel is a good fit with our understanding of positive social values.

Of course, I also have some concern related to issues such as (1) association of our company or products with such forums, and/or (2) general legal issues that could arise by deploying our software on certain forums.

Our License Agreement will be revised to provide a clearer definition of sites that wouldn't meet our "Acceptable Usage Policy". We are also going to modify the checkout process so that review of the EULA is emphasized prior to purchase.

Old 12-24-2005, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Zachery
You could try Deans SEO.

But realisticly this is one of the problems that buying from a third party entitles, youmight have wanted to read their rules about what they allow. They believe in not allowing adult topics. Their loss, I do hope someone comes out with somthing the same, cheaper, and open source.
No kidding... I was about to purchase their VBSEO script and my site is a big community that includes adult content (I got religion too). I guess I'll have to pass then. It is silly to be worrying about the contents of people's forums. Vbulletin doesn't, phpbb doesn't. Oh well, it's their software. They opened themselves to be liable for any legal problems that may arise from people's forums that have vseo installed.

I agree, somebody must come up with something cheaper and open source. Is vbulletin's source open?
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