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Old 12-22-2005, 06:16 PM
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Default vbseo denied me as a buyer?

Ok I see the last vbseo thread was closed I guess because people were not
being nice to eachother. I just wanted to let everyone know about my
unhappiness with them. I purchased the script yesterday, and about 40
hours later I get a private message from vbseo staff saying that they won't
sell me the script because my content is not allowed.

I run a vbulletin community website for people that like Marijuana. I'm
sorry if you don't agree with what I and many others believe, but I think it is
messed up to deny someone a script that is being sold to others just
because you may not want my site to be optimized? I don't know the exact
reasoning, maybe because they don't want their link on the bottom of the
page on a marijuana site?

I really wanted to try and see if I could notice a difference, I spent the $150
and now I guess they're going to refund it hopefully since they won't give me
the script.

Is there anything that I could easily do that vbulletin doesn't already do to
make my website more prominent in the engines?
Old 12-22-2005, 06:21 PM
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Originally Posted by yayvb
Ok I see the last vbseo thread was closed I guess because people were not
being nice to eachother. I just wanted to let everyone know about my
unhappiness with them. I purchased the script yesterday, and about 40
hours later I get a private message from vbseo staff saying that they won't
sell me the script because my content is not allowed.

I run a vbulletin community website for people that like Marijuana. I'm
sorry if you don't agree with what I and many others believe, but I think it is
messed up to deny someone a script that is being sold to others just
because you may not want my site to be optimized? I don't know the exact
reasoning, maybe because they don't want their link on the bottom of the
page on a marijuana site?

I really wanted to try and see if I could notice a difference, I spent the $150
and now I guess they're going to refund it hopefully since they won't give me
the script.

Is there anything that I could easily do that vbulletin doesn't already do to
make my website more prominent in the engines?
You could try Deans SEO.

But realisticly this is one of the problems that buying from a third party entitles, youmight have wanted to read their rules about what they allow. They believe in not allowing adult topics. Their loss, I do hope someone comes out with somthing the same, cheaper, and open source.
Old 12-22-2005, 06:40 PM
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Yep, I agree. That is ridiculous and it is also a form of discrimination if you ask me.... I wonder if they'd feel the same if the forum was about beer or something??? I'd be pissed too...
Old 12-22-2005, 06:55 PM
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Seems to me the content of his site is not adult oriented and not illegal. I would understand if his site involved pornography but I guess the people at vBSeo want to push their opinions/beliefs on their potential customers and censor the use which is bad business. It's a shame because it works great...like Zach said I hope someone comes out with the same or better version and of course open source would be nice.
Old 12-22-2005, 07:19 PM
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What it comes down to (unfortunately) is that I should've looked a bit closer
at the EULA. That alone was my fault, and that's enough. I received
another PM saying I'll get my refund within 12 hours I think it said. I was
so excited about it, but it's really my problem in this case for not realizing my
site was going to be prohibited.
Old 12-22-2005, 07:30 PM
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Originally Posted by yayvb
What it comes down to (unfortunately) is that I should've looked a bit closer
at the EULA.
yes and that multiple times!!!

i found that on your website:
These sponsors support our website for every click we bring to them, so please support our sponsors by clicking their banners.

google does not allow webmasters to ask visitors to click ads. i would not wonder if google will kick your account. and they will not care about your money... if there are 5 or 5000 dollar in your account, it will be lost if they delete the account.

i would think about that... only for your best.
Old 12-22-2005, 08:04 PM
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Mine is close to becoming stable now, I have a few beta testers helping me at my site and all the main bugs have now been ironed out (AFAIK )
Old 12-22-2005, 08:30 PM
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Uh, I have vbseo sitemap hack on my adult board, now I know why google never is visiting my sitemap.
This would be great, thanks.
Old 12-22-2005, 09:01 PM
Rick Sample Rick Sample is offline
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Originally Posted by Dean C
Mine is close to becoming stable now, I have a few beta testers helping me at my site and all the main bugs have now been ironed out (AFAIK )
Dean, whats becoming stable? Are you releasing something like VBSEO or are you reffering to your other SEO hack?

As for VBSEO, I think that it is a joke to what they are charging for that software. The hack itself is just as much as the Vbulletin software. So would I purchase it at $150? No! Would I try it out if it were only $20-$30, most definetly. If I didn't like it or if it caused to many problems, I would just uninstall it.
Old 12-23-2005, 01:52 AM
MRGTB MRGTB is offline
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Originally Posted by yayvb
Ok I see the last vbseo thread was closed I guess because people were not
being nice to eachother. I just wanted to let everyone know about my
unhappiness with them. I purchased the script yesterday, and about 40
hours later I get a private message from vbseo staff saying that they won't
sell me the script because my content is not allowed.

I run a vbulletin community website for people that like Marijuana. I'm
sorry if you don't agree with what I and many others believe, but I think it is
messed up to deny someone a script that is being sold to others just
because you may not want my site to be optimized? I don't know the exact
reasoning, maybe because they don't want their link on the bottom of the
page on a marijuana site?

I really wanted to try and see if I could notice a difference, I spent the $150
and now I guess they're going to refund it hopefully since they won't give me
the script.

Is there anything that I could easily do that vbulletin doesn't already do to
make my website more prominent in the engines?
It's a bit of a funny one that really, because in some countries it's accepted and legal to smoke it.
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