Are there any "basics" to integrating a script with vBulletin?
A basic bridge is already available for the script to use vBulletin's users, but I wish to attempt to take this further and fully integrate options, usergroup settings and eventually templates. I know it will require the script being rewritten to quite an extent, but I like a challenge..
really depends on the script, when i did the phgstats integration which was easy as it only required modifying it's output to using the VB template system, i just attacked it an output block at a time, create new html tables, assign variables for use in those templates and so forth.
Well they are running vB themself, so i would asume that they already got it integrated.
Like I said, currently it's just a basic bridge. It's not intended to be integrated with vB to the extent that I'm wanting it to be, as it has switches for vB, phpBB and IPB user integration..
Well it seems to be a commercial script. Do you have permission to modify and redistribute it?
I wouldn't be redistributing it..
As for permission to modify it, the support forums already have a forum whereby subscribers can share their modifications with others. Though I will ask the developers about this now that you've mentioned it to be on the safe side..
theres a free version of this available as well it just dont have as many features but you might be able to make it a hack available dont know the licensing on it but it was there first version i saw it on