Originally Posted by Andreas
Then make it so that Usergroups X and Y can view Category A, but only Usergroup X can view Forum X and only Usergroup Y can view Forum Y.
Yes, I just wish there would be an easier way to do that than the one you noted below. It seems like vB just adds usergroups to all forums that exist, instead of the other way around, only adding groups to forums the user specifies. It just takes getting used to it.
Originally Posted by Andreas
- Add the new "Forum41"
- Make it Deny for all
- Edit Permissions for Group41 in Forum41 so they can see it
- Edit group41s permission for one subforum that they can not view
- Copy this permission (forum-based) to all other subforums that they can not view, Overwrite Duplicate Entries=No, Overwrite Inherited Entries=Yes
Thanks a lot, this will help indeed. I suppose I need to copy the permission not only to subforums but to all forums of the board except the one I do want to have access to.
I don't suppose there is any chance vB will rework the permission system so that groups will have to be added to forums they have access to, instead of new groups being added to all forums of the board, eh?