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Old 01-09-2003, 01:26 AM
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I can see Boofo, you take this stuff seriously.
After reading what you have to say, all I can say now is.

What is done, is done, what must be done, can be done, what can be done, will be done. Try to live with it, because loss, fear, and sorrow is something of life, but don't make life become fear and sorrow.
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Old 01-09-2003, 02:00 AM
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[high]* Boofo LMAO at Drk

The only thing I take seriously is someone dodging the exact question they are asking and tries to pass it off, as crap. If you don't take things like Iraq seriously then bye-bye world as we know it. Vietnam, Korea, and September 11th are the results of things that at first weren't taken seriously.

Drk, I don't have any problem in the world with getting into polls and discussions and duking it out with the best of them. But when I and filburt1, who seem to be exact opposites in this poll, still can't get a straight answer from the person who started the poll, what do you expect?

I'll be done with this and leave it alone. Sorry I butted in in the first place. This is why I try to avoid polls and debates as much as possible.
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Old 01-09-2003, 05:47 PM
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I do take this seriously but i prefer to take other people's opinions into account

And boofo - don't ever stay out of polls - you're older than me and have so much more life experiences (that is a compliment - not a dig at your old age too )

I respect your opinion but basically forgetting all the BS posted in this thread i don't think we should go to war with iraq for the reason basically that i fear if the attack isn't swift then we could suffer the consequences..

[high]* Mist prompts boofo to carry on debating

- miSt
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Old 01-09-2003, 07:35 PM
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Originally posted by Mist
Tony Blair is a very good prime minister

No he is *cough cough* NOT *cough cough*

He is worse than that evil woman who called herself Margaret Thatcher...*shudders*

Originally posted by N9ne
That's never gonna happen unfortunately
Of course it will...The idea that Iraq is going to attack anyone is just some Paranoid Conspiracy that George W Bush wants to spread around so everyone will get out their hunting gear and join his "Let's crush innocent people" army...

Originally posted by Mist
It's a human instinct to be competitive - unfortunately although the human is the best example of a successfull mammal we have our faults and some of these faults are built in..

No-one is perfect and certainly GWB isn't

May i ask why so many americans voted for him and now a lot of american's dislike him?

- miSt
*cough* The wonders of "democracy"... *cough*

Is it me, or do I smell a hint of a Result Fixing going on with our "publicly voted" leaders

Originally posted by Boofo
You guys are too young to remember how we got to be the most powerful country in the free world. We got it by standing up for what we believe in and helping out the little guys. The results aren't always the best forcast. Look at Vietnam, for instance. But at least we were willing to take a stand. I didn't vote for Bush, but I'll have to admit, it's finally nice to see a president with guts for a change. It's been too long without one. Although, I still think old George Senior is running more of it than will ever be admitted.

I think we ought to go over to Iraq and finish the job once and for all. There should never be an "if" he has the weapons. We know he does, or at least the capability and hatred enough to use them. I don't want another September 11th to look back on. And I don't know much about Tony Blair, but I like him. He's not afraid to take a stand either. You will never miss the freedom you have now until you lose it. Then there will be a lot of tune changing about all of this going on now. Better to forge ahead and keep our way of life than to let some grease spot take it away from you. Libya was our Iraq in the old days. Once we straightened out Qaddafi (or however you spell it) he backed off. He was just as dangerous to us then as Saddam is to us now.

That's just my 3 1/2 cents worth.
Boofo - I respect your opinion, but to be honest, don't you think that Mr Bush Take 2 is just another excuse for America to go on a Power trip again?

Is it me, or am I the only one who sees America's flamboyent exclaimation of "We are the greatest Super-power on this Planet" as a renouncement of what America is supposed to stand for? "Freedom"...My cat has more intelligence in one strand of it's hair...My Cat only really wants to wage war on Carpets, and even it has the intelligence to only go and attack one bit of the Carpet, incase the other parts attack back...

I would just laugh my head off if America got their backside handed to them on a silver platter

Originally posted by Boofo
When someone bombs New York City in early morning, unexpectedly, and kills 2000-3000 people in the process, moral judgement is no longer the most important issue. America is a family, I'm willing to protect my family, that's what it's supposed to be all about. If you stand by and do nothing while someone slaps you long enough, sooner or later, you're going to get hurt and then it's too late to do anything about it. Who is Saddam Husien to have moral judgement on us, or on any other country who doesn't agree with him? I believe if people don't like the way this country is run, and how we do things to get and keep the freedoms and ideals we have, then they have every right to go live in another country that they do agree with. That's what I would do if I didn't agree with it. If we don't take care of him now, then we can expect more September 11ths in the future. You don't wait for the snake to bite.
We only have Bush's and Blair's word that there is a Snake to bite us with...And to be honest, I don't trust either of them...:bored:

Originally posted by Boofo
If what you're saying is true, then what did we do to Afghanistan to bring on Sept. 11th? I'm not saying we should judge the rest of the world, I'm not saying we should go attack Turkey because it's Thanksgiving or attack China because they do population control. Those are problems that don't adversely affect us, but when Saddam Hussein threatens to help out the Tali-ban by giving them chemical weapons, what is that? We're not morally judging anything, we're just defending ourselves, not in case of attack, but a very real probability of attack. If someone walks into my house and says they're going to shoot me, I'm not waiting until I see a gun before I take them out. If we don't take care of our own then when it's all done and said, there won't be anything left worth fighting for.
I understand that you are worried about these "Chemical Weapons" that apparently exist (in Bush's barely active imagination), but I disagree that waging war on any country that isn't America or it's so called Allies without hard evidence and proof that these "Chemical Weapons" do actually exist is the right course of action for anyone...

And prior to contrary belief - 9-11 cannot happen again until they rebuild the 2 towers...And also prior to contrary belief, I think you will find that 9-11 was just a Conspiracy - Either the American Government set it up as an excuse for war on anyone not remotely Americanised, or it was some bunch of crazy people, totally unrelated to the Taliban or Iraq or any Middle-Eastern country...

Now...Boofo - I understand that you have a Family to look after...But to be honest, they are more likely to get killed by Bush's stupidity and inherent madness, rather than a Chemical or Nuclear attack from other countries...

The World is just paranoid - Most of this is probably just some Government Conspiracy...

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Old 01-09-2003, 08:23 PM
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Chris, I wasn't going to respond to this thread, anymore, but you leave me no choice. It's easy to sit back and take the "let's not jump the gun here" view when your 16 and the world is in the shape it is in today (and I don't mean that as a slam or anything about your age ). But when you've been around long enough to have gone through a few wars AND Presidents, you start to feel the snake as he begins to move. Sept. 11th CAN and WILL happen again if we don't do something about it now. The Towers are gone, but there is the Sear's Tower in Chicago and the Washington Monument and a lot of other places they have threatened to and can get to if they want to. Saddam has already started everything in motion when he admitted wanting to give chemical weapons to the Tali-ban. Yes I do have a family that I would do whatever it took to protect them. If that means going over there myself and doing whatever I had to do so my family could live in a secure and safe environment back here, then I would do it at a moments notice with no regrets. It's nice to believe that there aren't any threats to our safety, but remember this, "if you can't play with the big dogs then stay on the porch." Saddam is daring us to do something and when we do, we are the ones who are wrong. Well, so be it, then. We'll be wrong and he'll be history. I can live with that. And so can my family.
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Old 01-09-2003, 08:40 PM
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Not to mention that there have been threats against allied countries including where I live (Canada) and where you live Chris.
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Old 01-10-2003, 06:10 PM
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When did saadam admit to wanting to supply the taliban weapons? I have a feeling you may have been subjected to american propaganda because that story never reached our shores

That's another thing you have to bare in mind - propaganda - it's everywhere and i'm not saying it is but maybe america is exagerrating the threat ?
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Old 01-10-2003, 06:42 PM
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Originally posted by Mist
When did saadam admit to wanting to supply the taliban weapons? I have a feeling you may have been subjected to american propaganda because that story never reached our shores

That has been a known fact for some time now, since the Sept 11th attack. American Intelligence picked that up a long time ago. And the report WAS substantiated many times, even by Saddam himself. Check around some of the major newswires and you will find the info.

That's another thing you have to bare in mind - propaganda - it's everywhere and i'm not saying it is but maybe america is exagerrating the threat ?
Think about what you are saying here. America has nothing better to do with its time than go after someone who you say is no threat. And I suppose you're going to tell me that when Saddam won 100 percent of the vote for re-election (as he calls it) that was legit and above board and with no threats to his own countrymen, right? Have you ever heard of "genocide"? Saddam has been practicing that for years. Do you honestly believe that if he will do that to his own people, he would give any thought to doing it to anyone else in the world? He is no better than Hitler was. And Hitler was no threat, either, huh?

If you feel better about your position on this by calling it propaganda, then fine. Call it whatever you like. Sit back in your nice cozy, safe home and enjoy it. But remember this, what we are doing now and WILL do to Saddam, the Tali-ban and anyone else who threatens our way of life now and in the future, is what is allowing you to sit there and feel all cozy and warm AND safe. We weren't thanked or appreciated when we came home from Vietnam either, so hearing this now is nothing different. It is what it is and it will be whatever it will be and nothing is going to change that no matter how everyone screams what is right and what isn't right. Something has to be done and it seems America is the only one who seem to be up to the task to handle it. We have allies, but it is us that will do whatever has to be done. Tony Blair seems to be the only one who has the kahoogas to stand up with us. Is he wrong, too? I don't think so.
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Old 01-10-2003, 11:17 PM
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heh Tony Blair doesn't have any of the UK public on his side, he's kinda turning some against the US now, what bush is doing is bad enough, but tomy blair backs him up for everything even without reason to, i see what he gets at, but none of them have any proof at all
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Old 01-11-2003, 02:50 AM
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i hope they do go to war and shove a missile up saddam's ass. it'll put this 15 year old crisis to rest. I know people will die, but many more will die if the bastard sells nukes to terrorist or he may use them on us or other countries as well...

democrats dont want war, and they are chickens when it comes to war.. that is why bill clinton didn't do anything about it.. republicans don't take Sh!t, which is why i like bush, crazy mofo that will kill for peace... same with korea... shove one up their rump ..

and for the record, i am a democrat, just different from the rest of the puss

flame me all you want but its the truth.
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