maybe you should also consider restricting them according to seniority. Eg. only people who has registered at least 7 days ago and has 5 threads can get them etc.
Otherwise a new registerer can still post 5 garbage threads, gets the file and will not come back again..
Yeah, that's a good idea. How might I go about doing that? Also, can I have a certain usergroup not bound to these rules? I have a private group that I don't want this to affect. Thanks for all your help
$user_thread_count=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) as tc FROM thread WHERE postuserid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
if ((time()-$bbuserinfo[joindate])/(60*60*24)<=X) AND $bbuserinfo[usergroup]==2 AND $user_thread_count['tc']<Y)
{show_nopermission(); exit;}
Replace X with min. day after register, Y with min. thread number..