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Old 08-27-2002, 08:02 PM
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Originally posted by NTLDR

I think it *was* john.eovie, if so it has gone now.
It was yeah, but I never realised it was against the rules. Link taken off.

I came up with the arcade hack for my forums, I was never planning to release it. Then people start asking me if they can have it, and offering donations - now people are claiming that it should be made public... there's no pleasing some people!
Old 08-27-2002, 08:10 PM
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I would have posted in this thread ages ago, but I've only just noticed it. I've got nothing against you releasing another arcade hack, after all, this is a dog eat dog world. – may the best man win

What I'm upset about is all the people that have slated John for the screen shots, posts, etc... about the arcade hack in the Tetris thread. I don't see any problems with him doing this, esp. considering how off-topic a lot of the hack threads can get.

What I'm also unhappy about is the fact that all of the people in the pre-mentioned thread are accusing john of leading them on. This is not the case, and never has been.

The truth of the matter is that John freely released the “Tetris with leader board” hack and started working on another hack for his own personal and private use. He might have casually suggested to a few people that he had such a hack, but from the very start always said that it was not going to be a public release. Next thing we know everyone wants it.

It’s like someone coming into your home and taking your TV because they “want it” – are you just going to give it to them?

It was HIS hack for HIS site. I don’t see a problem with selling it due to these reasons.

And yes, you may have noticed that I’m running his arcade hack on my site, I was one of his beta testers for the arcade hack and also spent quite some time helping him with it (while he helped me with my own hack) before anyone else even knew the arcade hack existed.

That’s all I wanted to say. – I believe in open source, but I also believe in free commerce.
Old 08-27-2002, 08:21 PM
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I didn't realise that the fact people were paying for my own version for my site annoyed people so much.

I spent 4 days solid making the arcade hack suitable to send out to people, rather than having it only on my site. (Because people asked me to.) Now, once everyone gets together they gang up on me because it's wrong for me to get anything back for the hard work I put in.

If you want me to release the arcade hack, fine. But I can't give any support (the main reason why I didn't want to release it in the first place). I'm only going to be giving updates and support to the people who were kind enough to support me. Likewise, only the people who supported me will get my other hacks - you won't even hear about them in any other thread.
Old 08-27-2002, 08:24 PM
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But how many hacks and help has John gotten from here that he was not charged for or had to pay any "donation" and this is how he pays all of that back to the community? We should all be here to help one another and have some fun while doing it. If someone wants to "sell" their hack, fine, just do it on their own site and don't involve the community here. It's a cheap shot to take advantage of the users here by baiting. Sorry, that's just my opinion.

And anyone who releases hacks without any support is not a whole lot better. Because then, instead of charging for the hack, you will have to pay for the support. How many hacks have you gotten from here that did not have support?
Old 08-27-2002, 08:27 PM
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Originally posted by john.eovie
Now, once everyone gets together they gang up on me because it's wrong for me to get anything back for the hard work I put in.
Firstly, I'll state that I'm not ganing up on you at all. I have no problem with you selling any hack you make or only providing support to those who support you.

I haven't read the very long tetris thread, but what I think people don't like is people advertising paid hacks on these forums, I never saw the link in your sig or anything about if it was going to be released, the fact that you have to pay or anything.

Just my $.02, good luck with the hack
Old 08-27-2002, 08:28 PM
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Originally posted by Boofo
But how many hacks and help has John gotten from here that he was not charged for or had to pay any "donation" and this is how he pays all of that back to the community? We should all be here to help one another and have some fun while doing it. If someone wants to "sell" their hack, fine, just do it on their own site and don't involve the community here. It's a cheap shot to take advantage of the users here by baiting. Sorry, that's just my opinion.

And anyone who releases hacks without any support is not a whole lot better. Because then, instead of charging for the hack, you will have to pay for the support. How many hacks have you gotten from here that did not have support?
Right, so you don't want me to release it now. Take a look at the original tetris hack - about 65 pages of support over the last week alone, sorry if that isn't good enough! Perhaps I should give up my day job to become a full timer....
Old 08-27-2002, 08:33 PM
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We're not gaining up on you at all. But I want to ask you something. How many hacks have you downloaded from here and "donated" to the author for all of his hard work? Do you honestly believe you have worked any harder on your paid hack as someone else does on their free one (with support). Lesane's Store hack is a perfect example. And I could name a few more that I am sure you are running one of.

Originally posted by john.eovie
Now, once everyone gets together they gang up on me because it's wrong for me to get anything back for the hard work I put in.
Old 08-27-2002, 08:34 PM
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Originally posted by NTLDR
Just my $.02
Great, i've got to pay YOU now
Old 08-27-2002, 08:35 PM
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Originally posted by Ninth Dimension
Great, i've got to pay YOU now
Old 08-27-2002, 08:36 PM
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Originally posted by Boofo
We're not gaining up on you at all. But I want to ask you something. How many hacks have you downloaded from here and "donated" to the author for all of his hard work? Do you honestly believe you have worked any harder on your paid hack as someone else does on their free one (with support). Lesane's Store hack is a perfect example. And I could name a few more that I am sure you are running one of.

When will anyone get this, the arcade hack was for my site only - but through carelessness it got out, and all of a sudden I owe it to everyone to release it.

Fine. You won't see any more hacks or support from me. I'll keep myself to myself.
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