alot of people have been mad as of late because OG hasent been around and they are paying for a hack and are not getting it. heres a bit of info i got today about OG's where a bouts
posted by angrydyke Admin of forums
no coverup, no censorship. we are just tired of thread after thread about ~s' whereabouts. plain and simple, ~s isn't here. he's on what we staffers like to call a ~shabbatical. a ~shabbatical is an unannounced, indeterminate leave of absence taken by ~s. he's done this before, he'll do it again. one thing ~s has always made clear is that he comes and goes as he pleases, like it or not. one of the things we have to put up with if we want him to webmaster here. as to his return, someone recently spoke to him and ~s said he should be back later this month. whether this happens or not remains to be seen, but i trust the source. whether you trust me about this is up to you...
OG's verson of the karma hack cost $30's (at least i think thats right), many people have paid for it over the last month or two and have not recived the hack.