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Old 05-09-2002, 10:08 PM
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can't we all just get along?? but I have to agree with both AtmosPhere and heretic, you can't be a jacka$$ about it...if someone is saying bad $hit about the hack you made, just ingrne them...you just can't give up hacking and posting your hack here just because someone is making remarks about it...maybe you should grow up a bit, words (or, in this cause, text) cannot hurt you, and fighting back at them only makes it worse (trust me)...just cloum down and dirnk some coffie/soda/wine/beer/etc. and talk about it like your a Professional and not some street puck kid.
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Old 05-09-2002, 10:15 PM
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Yes, Can't we all get a long and be thank full to the people who make hacks for us?? Instead of insulting them and cursing at them, plz forgive me if I have ever been rude to anyone.. :'(
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Old 05-17-2002, 08:47 PM
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I'm sorry... but I have to laugh at all this.

I know where neo is coming from... I still get an average of 5 emails a week from people begging for my store.

Considering I've made some 20 odd posts scattered across vb.org saying I am NEVER going to release the code... you might be able to see where I'm coming from.

M<ost recent case is where somene had th audacity to come and post in our general discussion forum asking for it...

And not even from me personally... just "does anyone have the shinra store hack?"

My primary reason for not releasing it is, quite frankly... it's not releaseworthy.

The entire thing is hardcoded to our forum specifically, there's nothing dynamic about the layout at all (as you may have noticed, the layout itself is ripped from the CP)

Most of the code is kludgy and hard to work with. Plus it's tied into a half dozen micro-hacks I have previously done (like title and avatar being based on usergroups)

Why is it this way?
Time and inexperience.

I ripped the CP layout because, quite frankly, my HTML/web design skills reek more than gym socks.
It was a functional layout that worked, so I used it.

The code itself is horrid to look at.
The thing you have to keep in mind is that I started writing the Store less than 10 days after first looking at ANY php code whatsoever.
We had a security problem on the board, that would be fairly peculiar to our setup... namely that many of your staff needed user-editing powers... but mods and supermods don't have that... so they were all admins.

So... I took my 1 semester of Turbo Pascal knowledge (unused in 5 years) and scant knowledge of C syntax and figured I could puzzle the rest out.

The idea was simple enough... I was just taking the edit user functions from the admin CP, copying them to a new file, and editing out the dangerous bits (like change usergroup!)

So 3 days later... I had a supermod CP.
But in doing that, I stared at enough code to make sense of it.
Next was simple extensions to the supermod cp for things like limited usergroup changes and IP search.

Then I figured out an easy way to do gil... which became the Points Hack I released here.

It had been about 10 days since i started... and I was getting the hang of things.

So I figure with liberal code borrowing and some simple logic... I might be able to automate a store. Previous to this, we did it by having people email us purchase requests and doing them manually.

The store took me a whole 3 days spare time to pop out.
Suffice to say the other Turks were kinda floored... and the members went bonkers over it

Then we mentioned it over here... and people are STILL trying to get it.

Really... it took me 10 days of self-teaching in my free time to be able to write our store...

If someone can't do that... then really...

I mean, I still get and install hacks from here... but in many cases simply because the work is done and availiable, and it's a time saver. I COULD do it myself... but I appreciate that others have done so for me.

Most of my hacks I do release... well... those that there's a point to, anyways.
The majority of hacks I do on our board are more along the lines of tweaks and mods... one line here, edit 2 there... nothing really needing posting.
If someone really wanted it, they could spend 10 mins and do it themself.
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Old 05-24-2002, 06:46 AM
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about all this fighting going on, both of you make the hacks and send it to me. ill tell you which is better
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Old 05-24-2002, 09:06 AM
Allstar DC Allstar DC is offline
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lol, smart thinkin darkdraco07!
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Old 05-24-2002, 12:52 PM
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damn all this fight, lol, I never though "MY" thread can be this popular..
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Old 05-24-2002, 01:03 PM
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Im working on a full fledged rpg system including a battle system
I am going to make a lite version fo ryou guys to use.
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Old 05-24-2002, 02:18 PM
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I have read alle the posts that you've made and I'm starting to worry about your boards! I can see the reason for the RPG bars with HP, MP, EXP.... but the fight hack...
I think that there will be tons of posts that have no sense at all! It will be made only for points for a new fight!
I understand that Neo knows what he is doing. Why? Because while making (month's of hard work) he propabbly thought aboute everything. But people who just want to LEECH this hack, propabbly wants it just for fun.
Besides... I think that 300$ is a right price for this. People ask a lot more money for a web sites, which are much, much, much easier to make ( if I can, everyone can).

Respect to all of you, who can make such mods in our vbb, even if you won't relase them.

Sorry for my english...
I'm just learning :P
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Old 05-25-2002, 12:20 AM
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hey zajako thats a nice idea and I like your opinions Christoff
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Old 05-25-2002, 01:42 AM
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Originally posted by neo
Thats the only reason I took it off and dont make alot of hacks anymore.. I have alot of people give me crap for it... Alot of people demaned I post this hack when I told some people I had a small version of it....and still I get insults and so on... but its not like it matters no matter how hard people try to insult me it doesnt do anything..
i understand, ive posted a few for ubb myself and ive been flamed for not giving enof suport for them, or keeping things private, the way i see it, you made it to work on your OWN forum, if it dosent work for others its thier problem, ill help, but damn if ill take getting yelled at by someone cause it dident work for them
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