I would have upgraded to vB4 by now (I have invested many many hours in upgrading my addons and a lot more custom stuff for my forum), but after I saw what vB5 would become, I decided to jump ship sooner or later.
Even if vB5 would ever become remotely close to being usable, I have no desire to pay a business to release software that usually takes at least two to three years before being "ripe".
4.2.2 as it has everything I need. I don't think I will upgrade to 5 at any point in the foreseeable future. My current 4x set up also looks "new" enough for front end users so shouldn't get outdated any time soon.
Did this thread get deleted and started over?
3.8.4 & 3.8.7...
I don't think so... although I may have missed something or if the other was closed it was due to unwarranted behavior by members, unless something major went down in the thread it should not have been deleted .
I voted, running 4.2.1 here and will 3.x or 4.x just not 5.x until it improves a little more.