Have you ever noticed that people put posts up here for help and get their answer and never reply saying thank you? Honestly, what is so hard about saying thank you these days?
Have you ever noticed that people put posts up here for help and get their answer and never reply saying thank you? Honestly, what is so hard about saying thank you these days?
For many people, it's probably just because they're rude, I've always personally said 'thank you' to everyone. Although for others, I don't think many actually come back and view the threads after posting their question, and they probably just run out of patience after about three minutes of waiting for an answer and go somewhere else. Or just forgot about their topics.
I don't think people are necessarily rude. Rather some just don't think about the value of a 'Thank you'. I personally say my Thank Yous not out of obligation but because I'm thankful for the responses and help. It goes a long way.