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Old 01-28-2009, 02:57 PM
UKBusinessLive UKBusinessLive is offline
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I think i've learnt more from being on the internet in a few years than i did in most of my schooling.

I feel that teachers, especially now days are very far fetched, They think they are god and will not change their attiude.

In 2005 in the UK they found that 15,000 teachers were below standards, and should never of been employed, unless retrained. 2009, How many lost their jobs since 2005 ???
10 !!

Teaching nowdays has definately got worst, i hear my kids explaining the problems with their teachers, sometimes it makes me mad

Shelley, Sorry to hear about your brother, but i'm with you 100%, Don't let them get away with it, Makes you mad that teachers that are supposed to set standards can resort to cruelty like this. Report them Shelley, Not to the school, But to your MP and Local Education Authority.

Cruelty like this has to stop NOW

--------------- Added [DATE]1233162908[/DATE] at [TIME]1233162908[/TIME] ---------------

Originally Posted by lasto View Post
I could read and write before i went to school at 4 yrs olds.Pople are leaving school these days unable to read or write.Is this a fault of the school(s) or just the person ?
Myself i believe its down to the person unwilling to learn because u cant tell me that thoughout all of the schools they would of gone to,all of them ignored this person and never taught them anything.
Hi Lasto

When i went to school, there were about 20 decent hard working kids in a class and at least 1 or 2 of what we used to call the class "Thicko's" Ones that just didn't want to learn, always hold people back and forever getting into trouble, That was what it was like in the late 70's early 80's.


Well now we have the opposite, we have a class of 20 insubordinate kids who only want to leave school and hang about on street corners, whilst theres only a couple that really want to learn, but instead just gets bullied by the feral kids.

What we need to see is some disipline being bought back to schools, Perhaps open up some Military Style Academies here in the UK complete with the punishment that normally goes with it.

The kids that leave school without being able to read and write shows a complete failiure in the education authority's Duty of care towards the pupils. But before we sort out the kids, we need to sort out the useless teachers that should not be teaching in the first place.

let sort it out for our kids sake :up:
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Old 01-28-2009, 04:31 PM
eglyntine eglyntine is offline
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I was homeschooled from the 4th grade through HS along with my brother and sister. I graduated when I was 16 and went to college part-time from 13 on, initially taking extra-curricular math, science and language courses and then onto full-time college major studies after I graduated HS.

We were the second family to ever "officially" homeschool in the state of Maine and it was definitely a struggle. Constantly fighting the school board and state to prove that homeschooling wasn't a second rate education and to prove we wouldn't be some buck-toothed drooling social reject. What is amazing to me is that in the 25 years that I've been involved with the homeschooling scene the same ridiculous arguments against homeschooling are still being regurgitated even after it has been proven over and over that the kids that are and have been homeschooled have a superior education compared to traditional education and they lead very successful, self-sufficient and confident social lives.

Sorry to go off on my little tangent but I really do get tired of seeing the same misinformed phobias against homeschooling popup time and time again when there is very little actual examples of any homeschooled students falling into those categories. You have just as much chance if not more of one to turn out uneducated and socially inept coming out of public school as you would with homeschooling. Yet it seems that the only time these concerns ever pop up is when a discussion of homeschooling comes around.

Homeschooling has come a very long way since I was homeschooled, now you have co-ops and charter schools and many public schools allow homeschooled kids to participate in their extra-curricular activities right along with their students. There is no reason that the "anti-social" stigma thrown onto homeschooling should ever be brought up yet it's still the number one objection that ppl who know nothing about it or have even met a homeschooled kid brings up anytime the subject surfaces.

It's pretty sad to see that ppl are still more concerned about socializing than they are education. There are a million ways and opportunities to make sure your child has the proper "socialization" in today's world without sending them to public school.
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Old 01-28-2009, 05:15 PM
King Justice King Justice is offline
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Well we shouldn't expect them to act any better. After-all, the way they act is suitable for the amount they get paid (little to NOTHING). At least they do their job teaching...anything else is just a bonus I guess with their little-ass paychecks!
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Old 01-28-2009, 07:00 PM
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@ eglyntine, well put and bravo for you! Well over 2 million homeschooling families in this country today and growing by leaps and bounds each year says a lot! Public schools, for the most part, are nothing more than government indoctrination centers with little to no social or educational redeeming value. Quite the contrary. I would say it would be very easy to trace the root of most of our society's ills and shortcomings right back to the damage that has been done over the last 40 years and is continuing to be done to our youth through this system! I, for one, will never turn the spiritual, mental and social education of my most precious processions over to some government lackey.
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Old 01-29-2009, 04:04 PM
eglyntine eglyntine is offline
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I think like the socialization excuse used for so many against homeschooling, the "it's the teachers' fault" excuse is overused as the reason to be against public schooling. There are many many many amazing teachers out there and to blame them for the state of the public school system is completely unfair.

Homeschooling is definitely not for everyone, some ppl excel in that environment while some are better off in the public school system. You have to find what works for you and your kids and go with it but you can't expect that everyone should do what you do just because it worked for you. Just because something has ALWAYS been done a certain way doesn't automatically make it the best and only way to do it for everyone for all eternity. Especially when you are talking about government run organizations that are on the bottom of the priority list. (No matter what some campaigning politician tells us)

The state that I live in is among the top 5 worst education states, there is no way in HELL that I would ever put my boys in the public school system here. It's not just the elementary and HS lvls either, even our University system is ranked among the lowest in the country. The whole education system needs to be re-evaluated and fixed. Although with everyone completely focused on the "economy" these days, educating our children in the public school system is definitely not on the top priority list for those in charge of it. At least with homeschooling I don't have to worry about funding being cut and my children missing out on some part of their needed education because the school doesn't have any money. *LOL*
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Old 01-29-2009, 06:01 PM
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Originally Posted by GSeybold View Post
Thoughts about Homeschooling?
I am neither for or against home schooling. But, I feel that is the parents right to make the best decision for their children.

If a parent wants to send their children to public school, so be it.

If a parent wants to home school, or send their children to a private school, so be it.

I also feel that the private school should get that parents school taxes, not the public school.
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Old 01-29-2009, 07:53 PM
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Originally Posted by eglyntine View Post
The whole education system needs to be re-evaluated and fixed. Although with everyone completely focused on the "economy" these days, educating our children in the public school system is definitely not on the top priority list for those in charge of it.
The current economic stimulus package includes $100 billion specifically earmarked for schools and education. Not only to retain jobs but to build new schools and hire more teachers.

--------------- Added 29 Jan 2009 at 13:58 ---------------

Originally Posted by kevcj View Post
I also feel that the private school should get that parents school taxes, not the public school.
School Vouchers? Will probably never happen as long as the unions behind the schools and teachers are as strong as they are. They wield a lot of power and influence both in lobbying industries as well as marketing and advertising their views. Every teacher belongs because it allows them to get tenured. Once tenured the only way to really lose your job is to be convicted of a felony.

The real problem with the education system is that many see it as a fallback career these days. If they can't get the dream job then they can always teach. Very few people actually set out to be teachers. So we have Drama Majors teaching Math and Science Majors teaching Literature. All that matters is that you have a degree and certification. You don't need to actually be certified in the subject you're teaching.

As an addendum to what I said above... I am not against home schooling. I literally do not have the time for home schooling. All three of my kids are teenagers and one is special needs. Its either home school or pay the bills. My wife doesn't have the patience or inclination to teach the children. What I can do is augment their general education with activities designed to stir their mind and make them ask why instead of just read out of a book behind a desk.
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Old 01-29-2009, 08:11 PM
AWMGolfer AWMGolfer is offline
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I am currently a teacher and have been teaching full time for 2 years along with 3 years of substitute teaching at multiple districts in the US. What I have found is the teachers reflect the attitude of the administrators. If you have administrators that want quality in their schools and set a good example you will find the same as a whole. If you have an administration that is kind of half there and just doesn't seem to pride quality then the staff will reflect that. I work at a small school district and the administrators are top notch and the staff reflects that.

I am not saying there are not horrendous teachers, every profession has them but you also have to keep it in perspective. How many teachers are there and how many are truly horrendous teachers, I am certain there is much more quality then some in this thread seem to think. You also need to remember, the teachers that are there to do the best they can many times has their hands tied by administrators or the state with all the testing and having to pass kids that should not be passing and etc..

Now, would I home school or not, depends where I live. I would assess the local school and make that judgment call. I suggest to take a hard look at the administrators as the school will be a reflection of them. Another thing I find very ridiculous is now parents will believe the word of their kids over a teacher no matter what. I have had to talk to parents after a kid that was mad at me kicking them out of class made up a story or twisted the story to make me look wrong when all I did was throw them out of class due to behavior. The parent believed their kid and cared less what I had to say and it ended up going to the principal to handle which finally ended the issue with the student having to apologize. Most teachers are there to do the best they can for all the kids they have and are not out to screw em! Always exceptions but this is not the rule!!
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Old 01-30-2009, 02:52 AM
harmor19 harmor19 is offline
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Originally Posted by Xhaiden View Post
Another thing I find very ridiculous is now parents will believe the word of their kids over a teacher no matter what. I have had to talk to parents after a kid that was mad at me kicking them out of class made up a story or twisted the story to make me look wrong when all I did was throw them out of class due to behavior. The parent believed their kid and cared less what I had to say and it ended up going to the principal to handle which finally ended the issue with the student having to apologize. Most teachers are there to do the best they can for all the kids they have and are not out to screw em! Always exceptions but this is not the rule!!
Parents are too easy on their children. I never got a "time out". I got whooped with twigs, bendable race-car tracks, and other stuff.
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Old 01-30-2009, 03:32 AM
UncoderMom UncoderMom is offline
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How about half and half? hehe

This has been on the news a lot lately here as some counties in Florida will be required to comply and provide virtual school programs.


I am interested in this for sure! at least in a step before I go all out. LOL

ooh and the state is required to pay for funding too! http://www.k12.com/flva/florida_vip_notification/
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