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Old 09-04-2001, 08:39 PM
ToraTora! ToraTora! is offline
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anything is possible. these were not throw together hacks that took a couple of minutes. even though in theory they are relatively simple, there is alot of work to them, which also means that if we are giving this stuff away, we do not want to see them in any way shape or form, redone, and than thrown back up here as a repackaged hack undersomebody elses name.
For any reference to that, check out most of tubedogs hacks, and you will get a idea of what he goes through every time he releases something. (people swiping bits and pieces off him, than releasing something under thier name)

Some people do not realize, or understand that a idea is a idea, and execution of that idea takes a great deal of time, and i wanted to point it out one more time, because somewhere you had said, that if you had to buy these hacks, you would just go make your own.

well, until now, i have not seen a upload hack, or a mood hack of any kind here, so that also means that they are origional hacks, which if there are any offshoots or sudden releases of these hacks before we actually get them up here ourselves, that is basically ripping us off, so yes, i tend to get a little weery about people who comment that "if they have to buy them, they will make their own"

As far as the pay hacks go, who knows..maybe sometime down the road we may charge..i do not know that for sure, so i left that answer a basic open door, in case it did come to be, we needed to charge for a hack, previous statements would not be contradictory to any comments about providing nothing but free hacks. We have never implied either until a question was asked about the pay status of the mood hack, and uploader, by yourself, in this very thread.
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Old 09-04-2001, 08:59 PM
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Down Big Fella.
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Old 09-04-2001, 09:05 PM
ToraTora! ToraTora! is offline
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just making valid points is all

im not trying to sound like a ass, or trying to be one..even though its probably coming out that way.
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Old 09-04-2001, 10:09 PM
Dave# Dave# is offline
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Originally posted by ToraTora!
just making valid points is all

im not trying to sound like a ass, or trying to be one..even though its probably coming out that way.
well now you mention it
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Old 09-05-2001, 04:20 AM
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by ToraTora!

well, until now, i have not seen a upload hack, or a mood hack of any kind here, so that also means that they are origional hacks, which if there are any offshoots or sudden releases of these hacks before we actually get them up here ourselves, that is basically ripping us off, so yes, i tend to get a little weery about people who comment that "if they have to buy them, they will make their own"
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Old 09-05-2001, 10:01 AM
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I will most likely release my upload script this Friday. If not sooner..

I am going through the installation.txt file that I slapped together the other day to make sure it makes sense, so that others will understand it and have a safe installation.

As for selling up the hacks.. to me.. that will be more of a customized request hack. Where someone might want something done and will pay for it.. in my eyes. I don't mind giving away hacks.... a lot of others do.. even though there is a few things that I need some help with that I would like to see someone help me with... kind of like I help you out, you help me out..

anywhoo... mrlister.. webhost.. everybody.. I will release the upload hack sometime between tonight when I get off work, till Friday.

I want to re-run through a few things.. but for the most part it is done.
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Old 09-05-2001, 12:30 PM
ToraTora! ToraTora! is offline
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I must be going blind, because the only reason i made the mood hack, is because synx requested it...now..im not going to get in a argument over it, because the mood hack is going to be released for free, and since i have provided screen shots (close to 30 now) it would be ripping me off.
Source code or not.

Cant you just wait? i mean, i have a week, and its going to be released. Add ons, as Brad stated, are custom requests, which if they are really involved, we will charge very little for them (5-$20.00) if that...most of our stuff will go for free...
You are making a issue out of nothing here man...
This mood hack, has close to two months of testing, and three differnt versions of documentation, install scripts and add ons...so i would take it extremely personal if you decided to go run and make one of your own, especially after i have it already done.

We dont slap shi* together, that is why i havent released it yet. The simple fact of the matter is, it is done, it needs documentation, and than it will be released. I will not be pressured by anyone, to prematurley release anything that i am not comfortable about.

As stated, this hack has been installed on now four different servers, two different versions of vb, and of course, has went through major changes since i first introduced it.
I could of released it, when it was just some smiley faces, but i didnt, because after all, there were things that i wanted to add to it, and it would not of been fair to the people that downloaded it, to now add on even more stuff, two days later...that was my point. In this thread, i stated that i would give myself a deadline, and that would be that. Well, this friday, or saturday depending on my scedule at work, will determine when its released, but it will be this week, so sit tight man, and just calm down.

The plain fact of the matter is, i know people want it, and they will get it. BUT, it will be done rite the first time, and will not be a hack with thirty pages of "this dont work, or this dont work"

Sorry to say, but pride of my work, determines the outcome of the hack.
It is a pretty involved little hack, with alot of changes made to it, so at least do me a favor, and just wait ok?
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Old 09-05-2001, 01:55 PM
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i'm not making a issue i just think it's wrong to charge ppl for hacks. hacks are add-ons like maps to a game. you wouldn't charge money for a map to a game when somebody else will make it for free.
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Old 09-05-2001, 02:06 PM
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hacks take work, work and be free or pay.
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Old 09-05-2001, 02:14 PM
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Long story made short.

Free hacks everyone will take, Hacks that cost money! People will decide if they want to pay for. What the hell is wrong wirh that?

Nothing I see
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