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Old 08-25-2001, 07:22 PM
maverick1236 maverick1236 is offline
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by looking at the screenshots...are you going to incorporate the "flags" hack into this as well?-looks nice!!

and dont forget to add these moods!!: Overworked,PMS

(if you can-lol) i think they would be popular on my board!!
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Old 08-25-2001, 07:52 PM
ToraTora! ToraTora! is offline
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Flags hack? Hmm....is that the one, that shows you your country flag in the post bit area?
It would be no problem to add something like that to the mood hack, but, you would now have to have the flags for the pics in the smiliey section of course...thats up to you mav...i can add the flags as a module.

And the mood ideas, thanks for the suggestions. i should of remembered something as simple as pms...lol...i think that would be a popular choice..and overworked...yes...my own personal favorite... which both, based on your suggestions, will also be thrown into the mood choices as well.
Thanks again, and
Keep em coming.
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Old 08-25-2001, 08:07 PM
ToraTora! ToraTora! is offline
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Originally posted by Kendra
This hack looks awesome guys

We have been looking at a few hacks for our sites and from what we have seen so far nothing has really jumped out at us and screamed you must get this. Until now that is
thanks for the kind words.

We wanted to make sure that installation of the hack went smoothly, and easily, and we accomplished that by using the documentation, and install set-up that Brad C uses for his upload script. It should insure that the mood hack will be a hopefully 3-4 minute ordeal to set up, without any problems. The only time consuming part of this hack, would be of course uploading smilieys to your board, and naming them to match the code, or if you wish to, changing the code to match the smilies you have already. Its a simple easy to use hack, with more features on the way hopefully.
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Old 08-25-2001, 08:09 PM
ToraTora! ToraTora! is offline
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Originally posted by ozone2000
where can i get this cool hack?
I am still shooting for the three week time frame on this one...
In the last three days, i have already made roughly 9 changes to it just for tweaking purposes. Than added was a time and date stamp, and a few other things...so...if in three weeks i find that everything looks good enough to ship out, it should appear here.
It could be sooner as well...i use three weeks as the max time i have alotted myself on it.
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Old 08-25-2001, 08:27 PM
ToraTora! ToraTora! is offline
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Originally posted by Maverick1236
by looking at the screenshots...are you going to incorporate the "flags" hack into this as well?-looks nice!!

and dont forget to add these moods!!: Overworked,PMS

(if you can-lol) i think they would be popular on my board!!

i just now caught why you would think i included the flag hack into the mood hack..lol...the flag i have in my name area, is actually a avatar, but....it could be added farther down, like the rest of the info, as long as you had the flags at the size of a smiliey (wont distort the post bit) and also loaded into the smilies area...its possible...
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Old 08-25-2001, 08:57 PM
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I got the date part of the timestamp added.. should I add anymore than just the date..

To me.. I think adding the time is overkill in a way.. but I can.. I guess add it

and btw.. the userhelp file that Tora was speaking up.. will help the users understand how to use it.. and everything.. it can be changed by whoever at any time to fit your site.. does not matter I just wanted to add some help to it for the users.

Also.. there is no screen shots as of yet for the admin panel, and the moderator panel's... still got a couple of bugs to work out, but I will provide some screenshots here soon..

just got a lot to do this weekend.. so maybe Sunday night I will post a couple
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Old 08-26-2001, 01:00 AM
ToraTora! ToraTora! is offline
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i think the timestamp kind of gives people another route to see when a person was on last actually, that, and the fact you can see who maybe abusing the set up, or possibly doing a little more than just adding pics every two minutes...lol..
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Old 08-26-2001, 04:24 AM
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i just have a few questions. well i don't mean to be dis-respectful but there already is a pop-up buddy list except the only difference is that this one has close window. and also the user profile seems a bit wierd. i say so because it seems to be a page full of queries that sums up all the users info into one page. the user info page has also everything that a user profile has except search and pic which doesn't seem too hard to add. i'm not being discriminating. the mood hack seems really awsome and same with the picture upload thing but the other two i just don't understand.
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Old 08-26-2001, 05:31 AM
ToraTora! ToraTora! is offline
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well, i can honestly say, i never seen, or remember seeing a pop up buddy list anywhere in here for 2.03, and that is the honest truth. I check out the hack section quite a bit, and I am not saying that it does not exist, im just curious as to why people would be asking for it, and requesting it, if it had already been done. I could of saved a pissload of trouble making it up, if i would have known it was already done. I might also add, that i did not "steal" anything from you if that is what you are passively implying.

Also, the user profiles that i am familar with, do not have avatars in them, nor do they have the "last online" included, (not last post either...last online...big difference) Brads upload hack, my resize script for the pic in there, fomoise99's member page count hack, favorite web sites, search for member, online status, mood hack, nor the layout that it entails. True, the rest is of course, a simple layout of html, with extra user profiles added to the profile area, but, if it would deem it more of a "pro approved" hack, we could hard code that information in with no trouble. I did it this way, because it is a nice, simple approach. This page, acts as a template, so users of the hack, can do any damned thing they feel with it.
Another point I would like to bring up, is
there are people who think having 20 lines of code, for something as simple as a time stamp, is proving genious in the php rhelm. I have seen dozens of examples from people who always have to make something harder than it needs to be, just to prove how smart they are, when a simple ONE line code for a time stamp could suffice. The reason i say this is, just the other day, for my mood hack, i figured i had to make a functions script, pull data from here and there..blah blah blah, because i seen some examples that rivaled that.....than, i come home from work one day, sit down, plop in a simple time call, and data base entry, and whoola...done. works like a charm, and i didnt need to hog anybodys db up with sloppy assed coding.

Now, that brings up this point.....
If i were to lets say...make text areas for the user profile, and than hard code them in, call on the information that the user provided, and than after all of that, call on it in the user profile, would that be effecient?
No. Vb already has a user profile area, to make things up, and add the fields where necessary, so why fuc* around all day, creating something that is already done for?
Basically, all i did, was create a template. We have four or five more, that will be "modules" for people to slap in at any time they feel like it. Down the line, we may give the user to "pick" which style they would like to use...that is kind of the whole point to the simple user area....you havent seen jack yet...what we are showing, is just the crumbs off a much bigger piece of cake.

Also, if queries are going to be a issue, which i have seen some people jump on WA Jones case lately about, is that this user profile, only uses what is already there. The others are such a small query with the amount of information that they hold, it is not even a issue. I could see the complaints if we were pulling the whole front index page, the posts, and the online offline area into it, but we are not...just simple three calls, that pull basically what is already there out, which basically amounts to jack shi* as far as performance, or security is involved.

I guess the bottom line is, none of my hacks take a phd in PHP to install, or make. Its that simple. The queries are a common sense approach to pull data from the data base, i see no other way of doing it.
When my business partner and I first bought the vb licence to use and cherish for public use, i would look at these hacks, and just sit back in awe at the intelligence some of these guys had..i still do actually.....i would take some of these hacks, and actually think that i could install them...i would be reading some of this stuff, thinking to myself....just what the hell is it that you want me to do again? is all of this shi* worth it? half the time, the hacks ended up being scrapped due to difficulty. Later, i started reading more on php, learning it (still am) and asking dumb questions. (lots of them actually)

I can do quite a bit with php these days, and i am not bragging that i can do what some of these other guys can at all...my point is, that there are a few other ways to doing the hacks i did, but then i remember back to the days of just knowing how to change a couple of things in the templates, and being proud as all hell i could do that.
That is all these hacks are to. Minimal setup, maximum results, with little knowledge of what the hell makes it go round and round to begin with, and since vb already has a easy approach to some of it, why not use it.
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Old 08-26-2001, 05:34 AM
ToraTora! ToraTora! is offline
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ok, i clicked on you buddy list hack, and i can assure you, that ours are not even close to matching. totally different java code.
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