I couldn't find a featured block for photopost pro 5.6.1 that worked the way i wanted it to, so what i did was attempt to make one. Im not a coder so this was the best i could do.
what i did was get rid of
in the forumhome
and edited the plugin with
and used a file that i created out of the gallery index that i saved as index_featured.php
the code is as follows:
PHP Code:
//////////////////////////// COPYRIGHT NOTICE //////////////////////////////
// This script is part of PhotoPost PHP, a software application by //
// All Enthusiast, Inc. Use of any kind of part or all of this //
// script or modification of this script requires a license from All //
// Enthusiast, Inc. Use or modification of this script without a license //
// constitutes Software Piracy and will result in legal action from All //
// Enthusiast, Inc. All rights reserved. //
// http://www.photopost.com legal@photopost.com //
// Contributing Developer: Michael Pierce (http://www.mdpnet.com) //
// //
// PhotoPost Copyright 2006, All Enthusiast, Inc. //
if ( isset($argv[0]) && is_numeric($argv[0]) )
header("Location: {$Globals['maindir']}/showphoto.php?photo={$argv[0]}");
require "pp-inc.php";
$PATH_INFO = findenv("PATH_INFO");
if ( isset($PATH_INFO) && $Globals['spider'] == "yes" )
$test = explode('/', substr($PATH_INFO,1));
for( $i=0; $i < count($test); $i++ )
if( $i % 2 == 0 )
$_REQUEST[$test[$i]] = $test[$i+1];
if ( file_exists("{$Globals['maindir']}/install.php") || file_exists("{$Globals['maindir']}/upgrade.php") )
diewell( "For security reasons, please remove the install.php and upgrade.php scripts from the PhotoPost directory before proceeding." );
typecast($_REQUEST, array('page' => INT, 'cat' => INT));
typecast($_COOKIE, array('ppcollapse' => STRING));
// Init variables
if ( empty($page) ) $page = 1;
if ( $Globals['ppboards'] == "closed" && $User['adminedit'] != 1 )
diewell( $Globals['closedmsg'] );
$tablehead = $Globals['pp_lang']['tablehead'];
if ( $cat > 0 )
if ($CatPerms['ugview'][$cat] == 1 )
diewell( $Globals['pp_lang']['noview'] );
if ( trim($CatPerms['catpass'][$cat]) && $User['adminedit'] != 1 )
if ( !isset($catp) ) $catp = null;
if ( $catp != $CatPerms['catpass'][$cat] )
get_password( $cat );
$ctitleq = ppmysql_query("SELECT id,theme,sortorder,frames,intro,introtitle,introcopy FROM {$Globals['pp_db_prefix']}categories WHERE id=$cat", $link);
$catinfo = mysql_fetch_array($ctitleq);
if ( !preg_match("/([\<])([^\>]{1,})*([\>])/i", $catinfo['introtitle']) ) {
$catinfo['introtitle'] = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/i","<br />", $catinfo['introtitle']);
if ( !preg_match("/([\<])([^\>]{1,})*([\>])/i", $catinfo['introcopy']) ) {
$catinfo['introcopy'] = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/i","<br />", $catinfo['introcopy']);
// Nonstandard theme
if ( $catinfo['theme'] )
$Globals['theme'] = $catinfo['theme'];
if ( is_dir( "{$Globals['PP_PATH']}/stylesheets/{$Globals['theme']}" ) )
$Globals['idir'] = "{$Globals['maindir']}/stylesheets/{$Globals['theme']}";
// Non standard frames
if ( !empty($catinfo['frames']) )
unset( $Globals['thumbstd'] );
include( "{$Globals['PP_PATH']}/{$Globals['TMPL_PATH']}/{$catinfo['frames']}.tmpl" );
if ( $User['userid'] > 0 && $Globals['displaynew'] == "yes" )
ppmysql_query("REPLACE INTO {$Globals['pp_db_prefix']}laston VALUES($cat,{$User['userid']},$lasttimeon)", $link);
$tablehead = $CatPerms['catname'][$cat];
$childnav = "<span class=\"{$Style['small']}\"><a href=\"{$Globals['maindir']}/\">{$Globals['pp_lang']['home']}</a> $childnav</span>";
$searchcat = $cat;
if ( $User['username'] && $User['username'] != "Unregistered" )
$childnav = "{$Globals['pp_lang']['welcomeuser']} {$User['username']}";
$childnav = "{$Globals['pp_lang']['welcome']} {$Globals['galleryname']}!";
$searchcat = "all";
printheader( $cat, $tablehead );
// Generate the page
if ( $Globals['mostrecent'] == "yes" && $Globals['recentdefault'] == "no" && $page == 1 )
if ( $Globals['mostrecent'] == "yes" && $Globals['recentdefault'] == "yes" && $page == 1 )
This seemed to work well accept for the fact that none of my phrases are showing.
My post at the Photopost pro "mods" forum:
Originally Posted by sinjix;1181322 @photopost.com
Is there any way i can set them to regular thumbnails?
Originally Posted by sinjix;1182876 @photopost.com
can u please instruct me as to how i would have my thumbnails show up as regular thumbnails without rounded edges?