i miss the newest styles that were released on the homepage w/ the latest graphic module... i hope that dosent discourage designers to release new stuff.
on the homepage it was a block showing the latest graphics releases ect but it not there now
Originally Posted by StuntFactoryX
i miss the newest styles that were released on the homepage w/ the latest graphic module... i hope that dosent discourage designers to release new stuff.
There really is no need for the negtive comments etc. If you think something is missing then a simple bug report is more likely to get attention. The display blocks got missed from the template in the upgrade, simple as that. They'll be put back shortly.
ohh im sorry... i really wasnt trying to be negative... i thought they were taken away for a reason and just expressing that i like them and missed them. i check those modules everyday along w/ the hack module waiting for new stuff. i have the upmost respect for you and your work and everything about vb.org. i would be lost w/o this site. i wasnt aware it was a oversight. my appoligies. i expressed my interest in them cuz i thought maybee you guys removed them thinking they were unpopular or wernt appriciated or used.