PHP Code:
// ### MAX LOGGEDIN USERS ################################
if (intval($vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxonline']) <= $totalonline)
$vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxonline'] = $totalonline;
$vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxonlinedate'] = TIMENOW;
build_datastore('maxloggedin', serialize($vbulletin->maxloggedin));
$recordusers = $vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxonline'];
$recorddate = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxonlinedate'], true);
$recordtime = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxonlinedate']);
$currenttime = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat']);
$metarefresh = '';
I have $vbphrase[most_users_ever_online_was_x_y_at_z] phrase in my $footer and with the above phpcode I want to active that, but I don't know in witch file to put it? this code valid?
Side question: Is it true that I can remove the javascript code (time) and still make it work with the above phpcode? (Just trying to understand how it all works