Where is the Buddy List info stored in the DB?
I want to try and duplicate the Buddy List feature and I need to know where to find where the info is stored. Info I'm looking for - how the buddy list is tied to each userid, how to calculate a total number of buddies for each list (for example, if I have 6 buddies on my list, how do I get that count?), how to calculate a number of how many times a user shows up on other users' buddy lists.
If someone could fill me in on the workings of the buddy list, I'd greatly appreciate it. Basically, I'd like to add a third list to the Buddy/Ignore system - a "Trusted Member/Buddy/Ignore" list.
Please, someone point me in the right direction. I've requested a hack that does this, but I can't get anyone to even reply to my request. I seem to have bad luck getting help when requesting hacks around here.