09-28-2005, 09:23 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 237
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vBulletin 3.5 Gold Released
vBulletin 3.5.0
The vBulletin team is proud to present vBulletin 3.5.0 Gold.
vBulletin 3.5.0 is now considered our stable and supported release, superceding the 3.0.x series. We now recommend that all customers upgrade to 3.5.0 to take advantage of the new features and improvements, although we will continue supporting 3.0.9 for the forseeable future, providing security fixes as necessary.
Since many of you have been following the unstable releases, we will not post a full change log since 3.0.9 here, but if you want to view that list you may go here.
What does 'Gold' Mean?
The official name of this release is vBulletin 3.5.0, though you may hear it referred to as the 'gold' release. This term refers to the practise of burning the final, stable version of software to a gold CD in preparation for manufacture of the CDs for sale and distribution to customers.
Changes of note since RC3
* Cookie paths and cookie domains are now selected from a drop down or a text box as an override (if you're really sure). This should help prevent invalid cookie paths/domains from being set.
* Merging a thread now merges into one of the existing threads instead of a new one, also giving an option to replace the other threads with redirection notices.
* External.php has returned to retrieving data based on the time the thread was originally posted. (An index was added to optimize this query.)
* Some additional hooks
Installing or Upgrading vBulletin
Please see the appropriate manual sections: Installing vBulletin and Upgrading vBulletin.
Note that the process is the same as it was in the 3.0.x series.
Changed Files
Consider all files to have changed since the 3.0.x series.
Bug Reports
You may report bugs by clicking here. Before reporting a bug, please attempt to recreate the bug on a default, uncustomized style (especially if your errors are JavaScript related). Additionally, if you have used the plugins/products system at all, please attempt to recreate the issue with the plugins system disabled!