I would like some advice on combining Vbulletin and PHPnuke into 1 application, so that PHPBB is gone and Vbulletin is in it's place. I asked this question on vb.com and they said to ask here. BUT, I got a PM from a person that showed me his site where he converted his this way, and said this about it:
All the membership side is run from the VBull side, all the PHP Nuke permissions can be altered in mainfile.php and using VBulletins $bbuserinfo
Hope that helps
Since I am not a PHP genious, I am not sure what to alter in mainfile to get this to work... Anyone have some thoughts here?
Also, Yes I know that phpnuke is not secure, and vbulletin is secure and they should not be combinded.. BUT, I like the features of both, thus, I want them combined.