Floyd trips me out sometimes..
I don't know how many of you listen to pink floyd often, but ive been for a long time, scence I was little. Over the years ive heard some wicked stuff in floyd songs, faint messages for example. There are alot of messages in floyd songs that are just loud enough to hear if you have the stereo cranked, they barley come over the music, on some radio's you wont hear them at all.
Right now I got 'The Great Gig in the Sky' playing, there is a message in this song that comes over right after the beat/yelling drops off. If you listen close you will hear a women say 'If you can hear this you are dying'.
So what crazy stuff have you heard in songs before? My father owns alot of old vinals, i'm going to get the turn table fixed soon and play some of them backwards, I know my dad has at least one album that has hidden stuff if played backwards but I forget which one it is (showed me when I was younger).