Ok, I am just curious about something. I have 5 set style sets for my forums, however I host about 50 sub-forums for individual teams they each, well most of them, have style sets for their own teams. Now my question is, is there a way to have each style set have the same template set? I know they can have the backing of the default set, however I've run into a problem with that as when a team's set is change it edits the entire default set for my board, thus messing up all the other sets. I am trying to find a way that I can modify my board for ALL style sets, however, to do so in a way that each set is it's own without messing up the default template. In addition to that to do so without having to edit each template individually <---major pain!
Is there a way to do this, cuz I've been racking my brain on this and can't figure it out. Currently, my main board style sets each carry the same template and use all of the board modifications and don't cause an error with each other where one's setting overcomes the other on the set. But, when I defaulted a couple of the team sets to the default template, then each set was gaining things from other sets and whatnot...
Any help would be greatly appreciated! If you don't understand what I wrote, then I will try to make it more clear, hehe