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Old 04-13-2005, 05:48 PM
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Default vbulletin neighborhoods

When I suggest things that are to be done (should, could, can, will, etc.), I say this in the event that God is willing. That being said, let me continue this post:

Instead of forums, or solely forums, why not make neighborhoods? It should be divided into countries (made up or based off of real-life, it doesn't matter), counties, cities, streets, and then lots, etc. Houses could even be divided into rooms, areas, etc. so, users can settled into houses, and areas.

If users are friends or even family, they can occupy rooms to a house. Owners (whatever they own, be it a room, a house, a king of a country, an overseer of a county, a council of a neighborhood or street, a governor of a city, etc.) can then decorate and manage areas. Then, this being done, if lands (be them local or large) can be amassed to different things, such as their quality, topics, popularity, etc.

Statistics would be done for all of them in LOTS of VARIOUS, INTELLIGENT ways in order to figure out how to rank them. So, suppose a certain house is constantly posting spam. Obviously, for that neighborhood (the neighbors) it will not be good...and even for the country.

So, as a result, perhaps that person would be kicked out of that community or even put in some sort of prison and restricted so that the quality will be better. Essentially, if done right, the entire forums would be run by the members, and not necessarily an elite group of moderators and administrators. With this in place, it should make navigation and the overall appearance and flow of the forums, the management, and quality improve. So then communities can be separated also by interest. Suppose a country named A is constantly discussing evolution. Pretty soon, that country should evolve to being a strong discussing community in evolution.

The influence, choices, etc. should be governed based off not only statistics, but people's own influence. So, suppose a member spams frequently, his rating/influence would be lower than somebody who spams next-to-none. As a result, the statistics and whatnot should give the member whose track record is better much more leeway.

Members could even design their specific areas...so, suppose if someone is walking through (browsing) a neighborhood street, members can design and spiceup their yards (which should be some sort of table which indicates their house, their name(s), an address or something, perhaps some interests, statistics, information about the owner and possibly other people who live in that house, etc.) with maybe some avatar(s), altering the colors, playing around with various styles--like a signature.

Within a house, members can even decorate their rooms and whatnot...and perhaps house rooms are the various areas of the forum (notice I say "forum" and not "neighborhood", so I mean the FORUM is separate from the community living) where members can post. So, maybe the order, some information and statistics displayed, etc. of those rooms (tables) can be altered and changing and whatnot. So, suppose a member is very active in a forum discussing "Gaming", and is doing well there or something...they would earn "money" which would allow them to decorate their rooms and areas more and whatnot. Therefore, if someone has a high rating in the gaming forum, perhaps there should be some sort of way to show this. Likewise, if they post new threads in the gaming forum, based off of their current statistics, that will be how the thread appears (the table of the thread). So, suppose a blue background indicates that the user who posted it is usually a very good poster (with well information, educational, etc.), then the thread listed would have a background appearing "blue" when someone is browsing the gaming forums.

Essentially, the forums should, over time, evolve into very orderly and productive communities.

So, then, players can move and live in areas (sort of like the RPG Hack) where they fit best. Likewise, it makes navigation for forums easier. This way towns and countries and areas can be established (settled) by users, governed by them, and then managed to allow for nice navigation. If someone gets along with another person very well, perhaps they would both then take interest in living closer together so that when "Neighborhood Watching" (which sorts and allows navigation based on statistics and whatnot so that things which would most interest a person would be listed primary, and this is based on their interests and activity, where they live on the forums, their neighbors and their neighbors' activities, etc.) people can easily find topics and stuff that they like.

I don't know, I'm sure other people can come up with better ideas for such a system, so feel free to addon.
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