No seriously, I need some one's services. I guess it isn't really a code hack I need, but I think this is the most appropriate forum for this. I need to tweak out some html pages on my gaming clan site with PHP to access and display a list of users and their info (much the same way vB displays member info in the member link) for a single custom user group from the vBulletin user db. I also need to have each page on the clan site display a listing of the next 10 or so events on the events calendar for the forums (vB 2 will support a calendar). A list of the top 10 posters in the custom vB user group for the clan would be sweet too.
I have extensive knowledge of html and stuff. I already have the visual layout of the clan site all done with layout grids, tables and all. I just need to put in the PHP code or Get forms or whatever is needed to do what I want to do. I'm just starting to learn about PHP and MySQL, but I don't have enough knowledge to know how to integrate them into html pages and such. And I'm not familiar enough with the workings of vB to be able to write anything that could access the vB database like that.
Can anyone help me here? I am willing to pay for some one's services. This will probably wait until vB 2.0 just to make sure there aren't any db changes that would affect the scripting on the clan site.