as of yesterday! :P not sure what took me this long, to finally convert over to cable.

aranoid: Its unbelieve how much easier it is to actually get things done, now...especially, after going through the hell, of just trying to make simple database back-ups, onto the hard drive. :dead: I'm using the service from my cable provider (Cablevision), called Optimum Online. just by curiousity, are there any other folks here using the same service? they had a special deal of $19.95/for 6 mo. otherwise, its $39.95/mo.
funny, while I was reading through their offer, it was around like 11:50PM, on July 31st. well, the special was only good for the month of july. so, as it stood, I only had about 10 min. to order, or the special would have been dead! well, luckily enough for me, I just got the order through in time, with about 3 min. to spare! *phew*. thank goodness for high speed access! that'll surely be one less grey hair, when the time comes.