How to use VB4 username and password and place it in another database
I am upgrading to VB 4.2.2 and I will be importing all of phpbbb3 info over to it. I have phpbb3 where there are other sites on my server that I use the sharing sessions to authenticate them to go onto other parts of my site. What I want to do now is when a user registers or changes their password, I want to take that same username and password and add it to another database. I see that VB is using an MD5(md5(password) . salt). I need to take that password and also make it an SHA1() and place them in a separate database for another system. I don't think this would be to hard but I do not know much about VB 4 yet. phpbb3 actually has a tutorial on how to use the user information and access to it's variables. from what I have read vb is very different. Can anyone point me to a thread or the correct direction on where I can find the information I am looking?