Hello, so I've just begun work on putting together my new forum, and I've come across a big problem which I was not expecting. When going to create a new thread, the editor with all the options for bbcode and such is not there. This is what it looks like:
I've looked through older threads from around the vBulletin forum, but have been unable to find an answer for this problem. In BB Code Settings, everything except "Allow HTML BB Code" is turned on. In Message Posting Interface Options, "Enable Standard & WYSIWYG Controls" is turned on for Full Editor. For all forums, BB Code is turned on. In my User CP, Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing is turned on. Also, at the bottom of the forum I am trying to post a thread in, it says that I am allowed to post with BB Code.
What is it that I need to do? It is very important that I get this fixed real soon. Thank for for all help.