VB4 the longest running beta?
When VB4 came on the scene i felt that i should upgrade from my vb3.8 and stay with the times, but almost immediately on release there was a bug release so i thought i'd wait, it seemed that every month there was a new bug fix or security patch, i feel that vb4 is a beta and that they expect people to pay for the priviledge of testing the beta and reporting back the bugs and security problems, time and time again i've patted myself on the back for not moving to upgrade (and at quite a price too!), i've literally laughed every time i get notified of a new security risk or bug fix.
After all that above i was considering moving to vb4.2 as things had quietend down with vb4.1.x, i'd just spent some time organising my add-ons and edits so i knew what i'd have to replace or work on when i move, and now, blow me! another security hitch with vb4.2!
This doesn't bode well for vb5, if they cant get vb4 stable and secure after all this time i feel that vb5 will just start out where vb4 did.
What do you guys think? should i just stick with vb3.8 that i know so well and can model it however i need or take the plunge and keep up with the times?