Search engines crawl non active site?
Ive been working on my vbulletin site for a couple months now, and getting very close to live launch, however 99% of the time invested so far my forums have been set to "not active". My question is: will the search bots crawl my site when its turned off? (Even if they did, Id likely not get any real type of search engine ranking until there is a lot of content and posting on my forums anyways, right?) I just typed in the name of my site/domain without the (.com) in google and obviously nothing showed up, ( I can type "" in the google search box and it shows up), the thing that troubles me is some copycat guy, copying my company is in the first few results! (my organization is not new, and has many copycats) He is using an organization name VERY similar to mine and he uses the same acronym. Its weird because he is using some forum software I have never heard of (zetaboard?) and its incredibly puny and crappy, he has 1 or 2 forum categories, a couple of posts, and a whopping 13 views! ( it looks like hes been active for about 4 months now) How did he get on the top 3 search results?