Forum Mod must Register to play in cs!
this mod work on other forums system
i dont find any Forum Mod for vbulletin
someone can give me?
Add interactivity between your web forum and your AMX Mod X server.
Currently p*p*B and PH**uke supported, I*B will come (back) shortly. You can easily write FMAPI addons for other forums/communities.
You can choose to only have users registered on your forum access your server - and optionally choose to only let them use their names from the forum.
In your forum you can set what stats like rank, accuracy and efficiency will be displayed below a member's avatar in posts.
You can also choose to have anyone access the server, but prepend (and/or append) nonregistered users' names with a prefix (default Pub, or postfix (default empty).
You can specify what extra access flags (reserved slots... ) registered users will have over nonregistered users.
Includes a simple (optional) PM reading client. Only dead/spectators in Cstrike can read mail.
For installation, CAREFULLY read the instructions provided in the comment section of the plugin source. It's at the top of the file.
Also you must read the installation instructions for your web forum/community software which are in the file implementing the FMAPI addon for your software.
NEW in 0.5: You can now assign admins to your game server simply by adding a forum user to a forum group! Here's how to set it up:
Create a group in your forum like "Game server admin" (or whatever name), and then register it in server console using 'amx_registergroup "Game server admin" "bcdefghijk"' to automagically
add extra admin powers to any forum user being a member of that group. You can create several of these groups, just be sure to register them using the amx_registergroup command.
And more...