Hi I`m stuck on a mod and I was wondering if someone with more coding skills then me with vbulletin wold be willing to lend a hand. I got gyped by FRDS how was supposed to be doing this for me. I and trying to make a mod that shows each users avatar in a side colum with out additional queries beeing ran. Dismounted said to add define(AVATAR_ON_NAVBAR, 1); in the config.php file which made it work for some code i found here but it made it so you couldnt change it everytime the user made a new avatar. I tried my hand at it and I cant figure out where to pull the info from. I tried the function Dismounted told me and added all the right fields but its didnt show anything. My code is this (bar in mind its very simple)
PHP Code:
<if condition="$show['member']">
<img src="$bbuserinfo['avatarurl']" alt="$bbuserinfo['username']` Avatar" height="64" width="64" />
<else />
<if condition="$show['guest']">
<img src="images/misc/guest.png" alt="guest avatar" height="64" width="64" />
Its nothing to detailed but if you switch the img source in the show members if conditional with another code like the $prepared['avatarurl'] it will show it on the users page can someone help me find a fix for this please?