I woke up this morning to discover an issue with my forum. I haven't recently changed anything on the forum myself. I'm assuming the forum was somehow hacked?
When attempting to go to my forums homepage I am greeted with:
"Database error
The database has encountered a problem. "
When right-clicking the page and seleting View source this is what I get:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<title> Database Error</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<style type="text/css">
body { background-color: white; color: black; }
#container { width: 400px; }
#message { width: 400px; color: black; background-color: #FFFFCC; }
#bodytitle { font: 13pt/15pt verdana, arial, sans-serif; height: 35px; vertical-align: top; }
.bodytext { font: 8pt/11pt verdana, arial, sans-serif; }
a:link { font: 8pt/11pt verdana, arial, sans-serif; color: red; }
a:visited { font: 8pt/11pt verdana, arial, sans-serif; color: #4e4e4e; }
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="5" id="container">
<td><img src="./image.php?type=dberror" alt="Database Error" width="48" height="48" /></td>
<td id="bodytitle" width="100%">Database error</td>
<td class="bodytext" colspan="2">The database has encountered a problem.</td>
<td colspan="2"><hr /></td>
<td class="bodytext" colspan="2">
Please try the following:
<li>Load the page again by clicking the <a href="#" onclick="window.location = window.location;">Refresh</a> button in your web browser.</li>
<li>Open the <a href="/">www.baystatedsm.org</a> home page, then try to open another page.</li>
<li>Click the <a href="javascript:history.back(1)">Back</a> button to try another link.</li>
<td class="bodytext" colspan="2">The www.baystatedsm.org forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may <a href="mailto:dbmaster@example.com">contact them</a> if the problem persists.</td>
<td class="bodytext" colspan="2"> <br />We apologise for any inconvenience.</td>
Database error in vBulletin :
mysql_connect() [<a href='function.mysql-connect'>function.mysql-connect</a>]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
/home/baystate/public_html/includes/class_core.php on line 311
MySQL Error :
Error Number :
Request Date : Wednesday, August 20th 2008 @ 04:33:32 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, August 20th 2008 @ 04:33:32 PM
Script : http://www.baystatedsm.org/
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
I'm not really sure what to do, I haven't backed up my forum in quite some time, and on top of that I'm not sure where the files were saved. If anyone can point me in the right direction here it would be a life saver. I don't have the energy to start from scratch with this forum anymore.