Invisible usergroups for our fools??
We all have them, ladies and gentlemen; the user we cannot easily get rid of and who thrives on negative attention. The attention +++++. We want to ban them (and we try) but this is old news to them. They have learned long ago to use anonymous proxy servers to create new accounts. After all, every board they have ever been to has banned them. Proxy blockers are out there, I realize, and I have tested them. They all have the disadvantage of also banning people that we don't want banned. We're never quite sure how many good potential new members we are preventing from connecting to our boards because we are trying to keep out a few misfits and rejects.
How sweet it would be if we could create a usergroup, to banish them to, that was totally invisible to all members (except staff). One where they could create their hate threads and no one could see them, let alone respond to them.
Nothing kills the attention +++++ quite like a lack of attention. So, brilliant coders of vBulletin land, I ask thee how can we deprive these social misfits of their meal and send them on to new dumpsters to forage for their sustenance?