I was just wondering in general how many coders were aware of the
Markup Validation Service available at
http://validator.w3.org/ and if it was Standard Policy for coders to check their MODs/HACKs before putting them up for D/L?
I ask, because some MODs I've installed have had a few, while others have been littered with errors.(although they worked) Would be a good thing (IMO) if the
movers & shakers here on Vb.org had a standard expectancy about such that was communicated to the coders here.
In fact, 'if' a MOD/HACK meets proper coding format, the (free) service above even has a simple graphic to denote such that coders could post in their modification threads (see attached below), or perhaps it could be added as another check-box to each modification thread to show who's MODs/HACKs are properly coded.(HTML-wise anyway)