as anybody inported the user names ect.. into jpilot java chat?
well i was looking at the coding that jpilot does and it looks like it could be posible..
here is the code for a sample html it comes with
<BODY bgcolor=white>
<TABLE width="100%">
<td bgcolor=gray>
<font size=-1>
Jpilot jIRC applet only support Netscape4.0, IE4.0 or above.<br>
Please grant the permission when the pop up window appears from Netscape
and IE.<br>
<TR><TD align=left>
<applet archive="" code=Chat.class
width=500 height=200 >
<param name="CABBASE" value="">
<param name="ServerPort" value="6667">
<param name="ServerName1" value="">
<param name="ServerName2" value="">
<param name="ServerName5" value="">
<param name="ServerName4" value="">
<param name="ServerName3" value="">
<param name="Channel1" value="jpilot">
<param name="Channel2" value="finance">
<param name="Channel3" value="sports">
<param name="Channel4" value="science">
<param name="Channel5" value="movies">
<param name="Channel6" value="jpilot">
<param name="AllowURL" value="true">
<param name="AllowIdentd" value="true">
<param name="WelcomeMessage" value="Welcome to Java IRC chat!">
<param name="RealName" value="JPilot jIRC applet User">
<param name="NickName" value="Guest">
<param name="UserName" value="jirc">
<param name="isLimitedServers" value="true">
<param name="isLimitedChannels" value="true">
<param name="MessageCol" value="80">
<param name="BackgroundColor" value="99,132,181">
<param name="TextColor" value="pink">
<param name="TextScreenColor" value="white">
<param name="ListTextColor" value="pink">
<param name="TextFontName" value="Arial">
<param name="TextFontSize" value="12">
<param name="ConfigNickOnly" value="true">
<param name="NickNChannelOnly" value="true">
<param name="LogoBgColor" value="white">
<param name="BorderVsp" value="3">
<param name="DirectStart" value="false">
<param name="FGColor" value="black">
<param name="TitleBackgroundColor" value="black">
<param name="TitleForegroundColor" value="white">
<param name="InputTextColor" value="pink">
<param name="InputScreenColor" value="white">
<param name="IgnoreLevel" value="3">
<param name="DisplayConfigRealName" value="false">
<param name="DisplayConfigServer" value="false">
<param name="DisplayConfigPort" value="false">
<param name="DisplayConfigMisc" value="false">
now how would i be able to inport the user names of the person tring to join the chat.. i came up with part of the script
if ($page == "client") {
if ($bbusername != "") {
$num = $bbusername ;
if ($bbusername == "") {
$filename = "chat_count.txt";
$contents = file($filename);
$length = strlen($contents);
$number = 0;
$count = 0;
$num = $guestnick.$length ;
$handle= fopen($filename,'a+');
$string = "+";
fputs($handle, $string);
but am wondering how to inport that to the script its self
and redo that whole html file to php
any ideas?
really need some help could be a posible hack