Ok, i will try and make this as simple as i can.
I am making a script that is somewhat like diablo 2, where you have an inventory, and a dropdown menu with item stats and other things. Like in diablo 2, there are requirements and you need to achieve that score before you can equip that item. I have a quick function to get the requirements and spit them out.
PHP Code:
function requirements($itemid, $userid)
global $db, $itemTypes;
$req = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM `abp_items` WHERE `id` = '$itemid'");
if($userid != 0)
$usr = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `userid` = '$userid'");
$equip = TRUE;
if($req['req_lvl'] != 0 and $usr['level'] >= $req['req_lvl'])
$requiremnt .= '
<div width="50%" style="background-color: #CCFFCC">
Required Level: '.$req['req_lvl'].'
elseif($req['req_lvl'] != 0 and $usr['level'] < $req['req_lvl'])
$requiremnt .= '
<div width="50%" style="background-color: #FFCCCC">
Required Level: '.$req['req_lvl'].'
$equip = FALSE;
return $requiremnt;
return $equip;
I run this function in 1 place, but it will be soon be 2. How do i get $equip, without getting $requirement?
PHP Code:
$var = '<div id="item'.$total.'_menu" style="width: 25%; height: auto; display:none; padding: 4px; border-style: dotted; border-width: 1px;" class="alt2">
<div style="width: 75%">
<hr width="40%">
'.requirements($id, $userid).'
<hr width="40%">
In the function you see $equip, when it is set to
true, there is a link that enables you to equip the item. If it is set to
false there is no link beacuse they have not met the requirements.
How do i make it so that i can go
PHP Code:
requirements($id, $userid)
if($equip == true)
echo '<a href="#equip....">You can equip this item</a>';
$equip should be set? right, or do i need to use global?
~Cody Woolaver