PHP Code:
$armysys = $db->query_read("SELECT userid, strike_rank, defense_rank, spy_rank, sentry_rank, strike_action, defense_action, spy_rating, sentry_rating FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "armysys");
while ($armyinfo = $db->fetch_array($armysys)) {
$armyinfo['total_damage'] = ($armyinfo['strike_action'] + $armyinfo['defense_action'] + $armyinfo['spy_rating'] + $armyinfo['sentry_rating']);
$armyinfo['rank'] = ( ($armyinfo['strike_rank'] + $armyinfo['defense_rank'] + $armyinfo['spy_rank'] + $armyinfo['sentry_rank']) / (4) );
$db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "armysys SET turns = turns + 1, lastturn = " . TIMENOW . ", rank = " . $armyinfo['rank'] . ", total_damage = " . $armyinfo['total_damage'] . ", WHERE userid = " . $armyinfo['userid']);
This code updates the ranks for all rows in a table based on 4 individual ranks. However if someone is ranked 1, 3, 1, 3 and another person is ranked 3, 1, 3, 1 then both will have a rank of 2. This doesn't work. A field called total_damage stores every user's total army damage. I need to set somethign up so that my code prevent members from having the same rank. I can't think of a way to use the total damage field as some kind of secondary in case an duplicate rank occurs. Please help.
This is incredibly important. Can anyone help?