The purpose of this request is because I've had members complain to me that our
Lost Password Recovery Form didn't work and they were locked out. This usually happens when they either enter in a different email address that they registered with or their email spam filter picks up our incoming email and discards it. The end result is the user's account is left at the "
Users Awaiting Email Confirmation" level and they can never login. They often leave all frustrated, thinking the system sucks or they re-register making another account. I'd like to keep a detailed log of who uses the
Lost Password Recovery Form, and what the outcome is for each use.
For instance, user, TS22 requested a new password on 10/11/2005 at 11:00 pm. Their password was emailed to, which is their registered email address. Their account was reset on 10/11/2005 at 11:03 pm. Another would be if their account was never reset, and why, you probably get the idea.