MySQL table prefixes of vb3_ is making life difficult
I purcahsed vBulletin about 2 months ago (currently running on 3.0.7) and I'm finding a lot of headaces when doing mods because of the prefix in placed on all the MySQL tables.
I have about 10 or so mods done... nothing too severe (like vbadvanced) but I do have the arcade abd vbookie, as well as several additions to the "store" of ucash & ushop.
Everytime I do a mod it always seems to not go by default... because of when I originally installed vBulletin it assigned a "vb3_" to all of the MySQL tables.
I do not want to dump everything and start from scratch, as I have about 200 users signed up and several hundred good posts. Is there any way that I can just rename all of the tables, or would that really screw things up? I don't know much about queries but now I see that every time a mod comes out where there's database queries I have to be careful to make sure I change the line of the table name!