A Wish...
I wish that Jellsoft would recognize the contributions made by several of the major hacks that really make our bb's informative and useful for our membership by purchasing those hacks and integrating them into a "premium" vbulletin product. I'd be willing to pay beyond the $180 for vBulletin to purchase a package that already has a portal system (CMPS), a chat room program (vBchat), an image gallery (Gallery), a store or product sales program, a reviews and classifieds section (like those offered by Photopost). I have integrated each of these sections into each of my three sites in order to add the functionality that I think my members are looking for. But it sure is a pain to have to redo all the hacks after a vBulletin upgrade. That is why I'd be willing to pay more for a "premium" package that has all these hacks (or features) already built in when an upgrade is done.
Just a thought. :nervous: