ebay style auction system..
I started thinking, you know how awsome it would be to have an ebay style auction system? Where you could ask the seller a question, they could have an about me page, they could even have feedback.. Proxy bidding, Buy It Now, pictures, and even threaded comments maybe. A nice search system.. Pretty much an enanced version of ebay made for vbulletin. Could set prices per auction, and charge for bold or front page listings or w/e just like ebay. Could set different pricing for different usergroups. For instance, usergroup "Registered" = 2.50 to list a 1000.00 item, and then 3.2% of ending price. But for usergroup "Administrator" it costs 0.00 to list and then 0.0% ending price. So that away if you had subscribing members on your site you coudl give them a discount on listing auctions and such, maybe give them free bold listings too or something.
If anyone thinks this is a good idea, post a reply!