Page generated in 0.36285806 seconds (83.35% PHP - 16.65% MySQL) with 18 queries.
[Debug Mode OFF] [PHP v4.2.3] [GZIP enabled - level 1]
I am curious what the average STOCK with 1 - 2 hacks board get.. I just upgraded to 229, I had a problem before because all I had was the welcome panel hack and I was getting 27 queries.. now I am getting 18 which is better, but I have still seen board with 14 - 15 queries WITH hacks! What gives? how are
they getting 15 queries with several hacks and I have none and I am getting 18, there is obviously a little problem there :P
Also, before upgrading I was getting 97% PHP and 3% mysql .. now the sql percent doubled..
Can someone explain why is this?