Here's a link to our vb 3.8x forum. Take a look.
Our body is colored in #66000 hex code. Which is basically a blood reddish color. What we want to do, is change the width of the left and right body edges of our forum. So when people see it in their browsers like IE or Google Chrome, it'll compact itself more instead of stretching out super-wide. Mainly, this is to shorten the category strips, and make the look of when you click inside a thread? Or reply to a thread? More neat and tight. As currently the boxes that hold thread text , reply panels, and user control panels and profiles look a tad bit too large in width. Basically, compacting the forum's body from left and right would solve these problems. So could anyone come up with a small bit of code to add into extra CSS, or explain in detail...what we'd have to do to get this done? Or what would we have to edit?